Tác giả: Michael Schreckenberg

Ủng hộ
Dr. Lutz Kreutzer ist Autor von Thrillern und Kriminalromanen, coacht Autoren auf den großen Buchmessen und Kongressen und richtet den deutschsprachigen Self-Publishing-Day aus. Uwe Gardein ist Autor von Krimis sowie historischen Romanen und erhielt das Förderstipendium für Literatur der Stadt München.

13 Ebooks bởi Michael Schreckenberg

Ulrich Weidmann & Uwe Kirsch: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012
The 6th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (PED2012) showcased research on human locomotion. This book presents the proceedings of PED2012. Humans have walked for eons; ou …
Serge P. Hoogendoorn & Stefan Luding: Traffic and Granular Flow ‘ 03
These proceedings are the fifth in the series Traffic and Granular Flow, and we hope they will be as useful a reference as their predecessors. Both the realistic modelling of granular media and traff …
Nathalie Waldau & Peter Gattermann: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2005
Due to an increasing number of reported catastrophes all over the world, the safety especially of pedestrians today, is a dramatically growing field of interest, both for practitioners as well as sci …
Andreas Schadschneider & Thorsten Pöschel: Traffic and Granular Flow ‘ 05
The conference series Tra?c and Granular Flow has been established in 1995 and has since then been held biannually. At that time, the investigation of granular materials and tra?c was still somewhat …
Valery V. Kozlov & Alexander P. Buslaev: Traffic and Granular Flow ’11
This book continues the biannual series of conference proceedings, which has become a classical reference resource in traffic and granular research alike. It addresses new developments at the interfa …
Isabella Archan & Elke Pistor: Die gruseligsten Orte in Köln
Zwölf gruselige Geschichten von zwölf Autoren über zwölf reale Orte in Köln, angelehnt an Ereignisse und Legenden von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart: Wie eine der Jungfrauen von St. Ursula Angst und …
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Isabella Archan & Elke Pistor: Die gruseligsten Orte in Köln
Zwölf gruselige Geschichten von zwölf Autoren über zwölf reale Orte in Köln, angelehnt an Ereignisse und Legenden von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart: Wie eine der Jungfrauen von St. Ursula Angst und …
tiếng Đức
Werner Brilon & Felix Huber: Traffic and Mobility
Anyone who reflects on the future of society cannot do so without at the same time thinking about the future of our transportation systems. The dilemma is obvious. On the one hand, mobility must be m …
Michael Schreckenberg & Reinhard Selten: Human Behaviour and Traffic Networks
How do people behave in different traffic situations? Are there general laws for mathematical modelling of decision dynamics? The answers, given at the first international workshop on "Human Beh …
Heike Emmerich & Britta Nestler: Interface and Transport Dynamics
The workshop on "computational physics of transport and interfacial dynam- ics" was held in Dresden, Germany from February 25 to March 8, 2002. The Max Planck Institute for the Physics of C …
Minoru Fukui & Michael Schreckenberg: Traffic and Granular Flow ’01
During the last decade physicists, engineers and computer scientists have joined in an enormously fruitful dialogue about traffic and granular flow. Cars and sand grains have in common, that they int …