Michael Stausberg is Professor of Religion at the University of Bergen and a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. His books in English include Religion and Tourism: Crossroads, Destinations, and Encounters (2011), Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism (2008), and as editor or co-editor Defining Magic (2013), The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religions (2011), Contemporary Theories of Religion (2009) and Theorizing Rituals (2 vols., 2006/2007). Dr. Stausberg has published widely on Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism in German; he is co-editor, with Steven Engler, of the journal Religion.
Yuhan Sohrab-Dinshaw Vevaina is a Lecturer in Religious Studies at Stanford University. After completing his Ph.D. in 2007 at Harvard University, he served as Postdoctoral Fellow in the Undergraduate Core Curriculum and as the Lecturer on Old Iranian in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. Dr. Vevaina is the author of several articles in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes and in 2010 he received a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities, U.S.A. He is currently working on a book project on Zoroastrian hermeneutics in Late Antiquity.
28 Ebooks bởi Michael Stausberg
Anna Tessmann: The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Zoroastrianism
This is the first ever comprehensive English-language survey of Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest living religions * Evenly divided into five thematic sections beginning with an introduction to Zoroa …
Anna Tessmann: The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Zoroastrianism
This is the first ever comprehensive English-language survey of Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest living religions * Evenly divided into five thematic sections beginning with an introduction to Zoroa …
Michael Stausberg: Zarathustra und seine Religion
Der Name Zarathustra ist nicht zuletzt durch Nietzsches Werk vielen ein Begriff, aber über den historischen Zarathustra, der vor über 2500 Jahren lebte, und seine bis heute verbreitete Religion, den …
tiếng Đức
Steven Engler & Michael Stausberg: Oxford Handbook of the Study of Religion
The Oxford Handbook of the Study of Religion provides a comprehensive overview of the academic study of religion. Written by an international team of leading scholars, its fifty-one chapters are divi …
Steven Engler & Michael Stausberg: Oxford Handbook of the Study of Religion
The Oxford Handbook of the Study of Religion provides a comprehensive overview of the academic study of religion. Written by an international team of leading scholars, its fifty-one chapters are divi …
Michael Stausberg: Contemporary Theories of Religion
Interest in theories of religion has never been greater. Scholars debate single theoretical approaches in different scholarly journals, while the ‘new atheists’ such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Den …
Michael (University of Bergen, Norway) Stausberg: Contemporary Theories of Religion
Interest in theories of religion has never been greater. Scholars debate single theoretical approaches in different scholarly journals, while the ‘new atheists’ such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Den …
Michael (University of Bergen, Norway) Stausberg: Contemporary Theories of Religion
Interest in theories of religion has never been greater. Scholars debate single theoretical approaches in different scholarly journals, while the ‘new atheists’ such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Den …
Michael (University of Bergen, Norway) Stausberg: Religion and Tourism
This book explores the dynamic interaction between religion and tourism in the modern world. It considers questions such as:
- do travellers leave their religion at home when they are touring …
Michael (University of Bergen, Norway) Stausberg: Religion and Tourism
This book explores the dynamic interaction between religion and tourism in the modern world. It considers questions such as:
- do travellers leave their religion at home when they are touring …
Bernd-Christian Otto & Michael Stausberg: Defining Magic
Magic has been an important term in Western history and continues to be an essential topic in the modern academic study of religion, anthropology, sociology, and cultural history. Defining Magic is t …
Bernd-Christian Otto & Michael Stausberg: Defining Magic
Magic has been an important term in Western history and continues to be an essential topic in the modern academic study of religion, anthropology, sociology, and cultural history. Defining Magic is t …
Michael Stausberg: Religionswissenschaft
Dieses Studienbuch bietet eine vielstimmige Einführung in religionswissenschaftliches Arbeiten an deutschsprachigen Universitäten. Die 29 Kapitel geben forschungsnahe Einblicke in aktuelle Fragestell …
tiếng Đức
Michael Stausberg: Faszination Zarathushtra
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für ‘Faszination Zarathushtra’ verfügbar. Das E-Book Faszination Zarathushtra wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: Europa, Pa …
tiếng Đức
Michael Stausberg: Kontinuitäten und Brüche in der Religionsgeschichte
Der interdisziplinär angelegte Band vereinigt 37 Studien, vorwiegend zur altnordischen Religionsgeschichte. Weiterhin vertreten sind Arbeiten zur späteren europäischen und mediterranen Religionsgesch …
tiếng Đức
Ricarda Stegmann: Verflochtene Identitäten
Ricarda Stegmann widmet sich der Großen Moschee von Paris, einer der symbolträchtigsten Moscheen in Frankreich. Die Moschee von Paris wurde 1926 im Gelehrtenviertel »Quartier Latin« eröffnet und war …
tiếng Đức
Michael Stausberg: Die Heilsbringer
Das 20. Jahrhundert war das Jahrhundert der Religionen. Der bekannte Religionswissenschaftler Michael Stausberg beschreibt anhand von 47 Porträts, wie Heilsbringer aller Couleur – von Rudolf Steiner …
tiếng Đức
Michael Stausberg: Die Heilsbringer
Das 20. Jahrhundert war das Jahrhundert der Religionen. Der bekannte Religionswissenschaftler Michael Stausberg beschreibt anhand von 47 Porträts, wie Heilsbringer aller Couleur – von Rudolf Steiner …
tiếng Đức
Jane Skjoldli: World Youth Day
Can digital games help us understand real life religion? With World Youth Day: Religious Interaction at a Catholic Festival, Skjoldli suggests that they can. The change is particularly visible from S …
Steven Engler & Michael Stausberg: Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion
This substantially revised second edition of The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion remains the only comprehensive survey in English of methods and methodology in the dis …
Steven Engler & Michael Stausberg: Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion
This substantially revised second edition of The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion remains the only comprehensive survey in English of methods and methodology in the dis …
Max Deeg & Oliver Freiberger: Religionsbegegnung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte
Auf den ersten Blick ist die asiatische Religionsgeschichte reich an Begegnungen von Religionen. Buddhismus, Hinduismus, Daoismus, Konfuzianismus, Shintō und andere Religionen koexistierten in bestim …
tiếng Đức
Michael Stausberg: Religions, Mumbai Style
Mumbai is generally recognized as an environment of extraordinary religious diversity. The city is known at one and the same time for a habitual cosmopolitanism and a series of violent religion-relat …
Michael Stausberg: 21st Century Theories of Religion
What is religion and how does it originate? What are its functions and how does it work? These are some of the key questions addressed by theories of religion. Far from being a past concern, a series …
Michael Stausberg: 21st Century Theories of Religion
What is religion and how does it originate? What are its functions and how does it work? These are some of the key questions addressed by theories of religion. Far from being a past concern, a series …
Michael Stausberg: Zarathustra und seine Religion
Der Name Zarathustra ist vielen ein Begriff, aber über den historischen Zarathustra und seine bis heute verbreitete Religion, den Zoroastrismus, ist nur wenig bekannt. Michael Stausberg bietet einen …
tiếng Đức
Michael Stausberg: Zarathustra und seine Religion
Der Name Zarathustra ist vielen ein Begriff, aber über den historischen Zarathustra und seine bis heute verbreitete Religion, den Zoroastrismus, ist nur wenig bekannt. Michael Stausberg bietet einen …
tiếng Đức