The Secrets of Facilitation delivers a clear vision of facilitation excellence and reveals the specific techniques effective facilitators use to produce consistent, repeatable results with groups. Author Michael Wilkinson has trained thousands of managers, mediators, analysts, and consultants around the world to apply the power of SMART (Structured Meeting And Relating Techniques) facilitation to achieve amazing results with teams and task forces. He shows how anyone can use these proven group techniques in conflict resolution, consulting, managing, presenting, teaching, planning, selling, and other professional as well as personal situations.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Michael Wilkinson is CEO of Leadership Strategies–The
Facilitation Company (, a national leader in
facilitation training and providing organizations with
professionals to lead executive retreats and task forces. He is
founder of the National Facilitator Database ( and one
of the first five Certified Master Facilitators in the United
States. He is a recurring speaker at regional and international
facilitator conferences and frequently contributes to the industry
newsletter, The Facilitator and other publications. Michael
resides in Atlanta with his wife and two children.