Tác giả: Michael Wright

Ủng hộ
Kevin Keasey is Professor of Finance and the Director of the International Institute of Banking and Financial Services, Leeds University Business School, The University of Leeds. Kevin is an author of 10 books, monographs and edited volumes on small firm finance, corporate governance and financial markets, and is the author of over 75 refereed articles in leading international journals. His research covers a range of disciplinary perspectives and methodologies from the empirical to the experimental. Steve Thompson is currently a professor in Nottingham University Business School, having previously held positions in economics departments and business schools in the UK, the USA and Ireland. He has published approximately 100 articles in economics and business journals that include Review of Ecomomics and Statistics, European Economic Review, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Strategic Management Journal, and the Journal of Management Studies Mike Wright is Professor of Financial Studies and Director of the Centre for Management Buy-out Research at Nottingham University Business School. He is a visiting professor at INSEAD, Erasmus University and University of Siena and an editor of Journal of Management Studies. He is the author of over 25 books and more than 200 papers in academic journals in the areas of corporate governance and restructuring, venture capital, management buy-outs and entrepreneurship.

32 Ebooks bởi Michael Wright

Kevin Keasey & Steve Thompson: Corporate Governance
The decade since the publication of the Cadbury Report in1992 has seen growing interest in corporate governance. This growth has recently become an explosion with major corporate scandals such as Wor …
Michael Wright: 10 Things Pope Francis Wants You to Know About the Environment
Pope Francis made headlines when he penned his new encyclical, Laudato Si, and called on the world’s people to protect God’s creation. In this booklet, author Michael Wright identifies 10 key themes …
Michael Wright: Death of a Green Soldier
After a tough childhood growing up in a small Michigan town, Mark Welch decides to join the US Army. Its the 1970s, in the midst of the Cold War, but Mark is ready to experience more of the world. He …
John H. Jackson & Denise Paraventi: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors
This two-volume set represents a collection of papers presented at the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors. The purpose o …
Rolf Rosenbrock & Michael Wright: Partnership and Pragmatism
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the most important themes in German HIV/AIDS prevention and care from the beginning of the epidemic to the present. Multidisciplinary in approach, it hi …
Nicole Dubus & Roberta R. (University of Texas-Austin, USA) Greene: Human Behavior Theory and Social Work Practice with Marginalized Oppressed Populations
Human Behavior Theory and Social Work Practice with Marginalized Oppressed Populations addresses what social workers can do to combat the increasingly complex social concerns that …
Nicole Dubus & Roberta R. (University of Texas-Austin, USA) Greene: Human Behavior Theory and Social Work Practice with Marginalized Oppressed Populations
Human Behavior Theory and Social Work Practice with Marginalized Oppressed Populations addresses what social workers can do to combat the increasingly complex social concerns that …
Rolf Rosenbrock & Michael Wright: Partnership and Pragmatism
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the most important themes in German HIV/AIDS prevention and care from the beginning of the epidemic to the present. Multidisciplinary in approach, it hi …
Rolf Rosenbrock & Michael Wright: Partnership and Pragmatism
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the most important themes in German HIV/AIDS prevention and care from the beginning of the epidemic to the present. Multidisciplinary in approach, it hi …
John Coyne & Michael Wright: Management Buy-Outs
This book, originally published in 1985, examines the practical effects of management buy-outs in terms of improvements in financial and managerial performance and sets them in their general theoreti …
John Coyne & Michael Wright: Management Buy-Outs
This book, originally published in 1985, examines the practical effects of management buy-outs in terms of improvements in financial and managerial performance and sets them in their general theoreti …
Michael Wright: The Jews-Harp in Britain and Ireland
The jews-harp is a distinctive musical instrument of international importance, yet it remains one of those musical instruments, like the ocarina, kazoo or even the art of whistling, that travels bene …
Michael Wright: The Jews-Harp in Britain and Ireland
The jews-harp is a distinctive musical instrument of international importance, yet it remains one of those musical instruments, like the ocarina, kazoo or even the art of whistling, that travels bene …
Michael Wright: C’est La Folie
One day in late summer, Michael Wright gave up his comfortable South London existence and, with only his long-suffering cat for company, set out to begin a new life. His destination was ‘La Folie’, a …
Michael Wright: Leadership in Christian Higher Education
Universities and Colleges with a Christian affiliation have in recent years sought to renew and redefine their identities and almost all have rearticulated their mission for the modern age after a lo …
Michael Wright: Leadership in Christian Higher Education
Universities and Colleges with a Christian affiliation have in recent years sought to renew and redefine their identities and almost all have rearticulated their mission for the modern age after a lo …
John H Jackson & Denise Paraventi: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors
This two-volume set represents a collection of papers presented at the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors. The purpose o …
John H Jackson & Denise Paraventi: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors
This two-volume set represents a collection of papers presented at the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors. The purpose o …
Michael Wright: Je t’aime la Folie
How do you find the woman of your dreams when you’re nearly forty, living in the middle of nowhere and spectacularly ungifted in the art of seduction?Three years into his solo adventure in rural Fran …
Western David Western & Wright Michael Wright: Natural Connections
Both realism and justice demand that efforts to conserve biological diversity address human needs as well. The most promising hope of accomplishing such a goal lies in locally based conservation effo …
Michael Wright: iPhone User’s Guide
The introduction of the i Phone X last year meant you could have an entirely new i Phone in your hands with innovative new features such as Face ID and a big screen in a compact body. Now Apple has i …
Michael Wright: Apple Watch Users Guide
The Apple Watch Series 4 is the newest generation of Apple Watch. The digital wearable device tracks health and fitness, provides access to i Tunes Music, connect to numerous applications, and now of …
Electric Guitars
 Electric Guitars: The Illustrated Encyclopedia is a tour through pop-music’s most celebrated musical instrument.  Covering several decades of iconic pieces, this guide describes electric g …
Acoustic Guitars
Acoustic Guitars: The Illustrated Encyclopedia is the most comprehensive guide of its type ever produced, covering decades of great instruments and the people who played them.   You will find he …
Gavin Fuller: The Telegraph Book of the First World War
One hundred years on, the First World War has not lost its power to clutch at the heart. But how much do we really know about the war that would shape the 20th Century? And, all the more poignantly, …
B R Simon Rosser & Michael Wright: New International Directions in HIV Prevention for Gay and Bisexual Men
It is widely recognized that current HIV intervention models are falling short of their goals. What are the alternatives?To answer this question, New International Directions in HIV Prevention for Ga …
B R Simon Rosser & Michael Wright: New International Directions in HIV Prevention for Gay and Bisexual Men
It is widely recognized that current HIV intervention models are falling short of their goals. What are the alternatives?To answer this question, New International Directions in HIV Prevention for Ga …
Verónica Coello Game & Inés María Jiménez: Leos Kuddelmuddel – Leo’s muddle
‘Alles in allem ist Leo ein sehr glücklicher Junge, aber weil er so genau zuhört, versteht er manchmal das, was er hört, auf seine eigene Weise und das bringt seinen Kopf ganz durcheinander. Ein komp …
tiếng Đức
Claudia von Holten & Annika von Holten: The most beautiful place – Der allerschönste Platz
Although the many millions of people and animals in London are very different and diverse, they all find a place to live in the capital. But is there one most beautiful and best place? Discover how t …
tiếng Đức
Carlos Rodrigues Gesualdi: Das Abenteuer des Wilden Flusses – The WILD river adventure
Wird sich der zwölfjährige Felipe dem wilden Fluss, der Gefahr und dem Abenteuer stellen? Carlos Rodrigues Gesualdi lässt die Leser mit ‘Das Abenteuer des Wilden Flusses’ in ein echtes Wildlife-Erleb …
tiếng Đức