Michi Henning is Chief Scientist of ZeroC, Inc, where he is responsible for research and development of next-generation middleware technologies. Michi has spent many years on CORBA-related research, as well as CORBA consulting and training for international customers. He has contributed to numerous OMG specifications, was a member of the OMG Architecture Board, and was chair of the OMG”s C++ Revision Task Force. Steve Vinoski is Chief Engineer of Product Innovation for IONA Technologies, PLC. He has coauthored several important OMG specifications, including the OMG IDL C++ Language Mapping specification, and he previously served as the chair of the OMG C++ Revision Task Force. Steve is also the author of the “Toward Integration” middleware column in IEEE Internet Computing, and coauthor of the “Object Interconnections” column in the C/C++ Users Journal. He frequently presents at middleware conferences around the globe.
2 Ebooks bởi Michi Henning
Michi Henning & Steve Vinoski: Advanced CORBA(R) Programming with C++
Here is the CORBA book that every C++ software engineer has been waiting for. Advanced CORBA(R) Programming with C++ provides designers and developers with the tools required to understand CORBA tech …