Learn how to protect corporate information by properlydesigning, managing, and maintaining security at the databaselevel Security is a primary concern in all aspects of development and IT administration. While locking down networks and erectingfirewalls will always be necessary, so much more can be done toprotect a corporation’s most valuable intangible assets: accountingrecords, customer lists, and inventories. Microsoft SQL Server 2000has proven itself to be the fastest and most reliable productavailable for protecting corporate data. No other book covers asthoroughly the subject of security design and implementationstrategies; Mastering SQL Server 2000 Security fills that gap inliterature with practical, hands-on advice.Packed with indispensable design information that can make atightly secured database faster and easier to use, this book isessential reading for both administrators and developers ofdatabases. The authors explain just how much more is possible inthe task of protecting corporate information by properly designing, managing, and maintaining security at the database level.From this book you will:* Learn the ins and outs of SQL Server 2000 Security design* Understand the implementation differences between SQL Server Authentication and Windows Authentication* Understand the security options in SQL Server 2000 for Internetapplications* Integrate the security of Windows 2000 (Kerberos) into your SQLServer deployment* Master the security requirements for distributed dataenvironments, such as DTS, replication, linked servers, and datawarehousing
Mục lục
Acknowledgments.Introduction.About the Authors.Chapter 1. Introducing SQL Server Security.Chapter 2. Designing a Successful Security Model.Chapter 3. Exploring Initial Security Parameters.Chapter 4. Establishing Login Security.Chapter 5. Managing Object Security.Chapter 6. Designing Application Security.Chapter 7. Inplementing Front-End Application Security.Chapter 8. Implementing Microsoft’s Enterprise Development Strategy.Chapter 9. Introducing the SQL Server Agent Service.Chapter 10. Managing Distributed Data Security.Chapter 11. Managing Data Transformation Services.Chapter 1. Exploring Analysis Services Security.Chapter 13. Managing Current Connections.Chapter 14.Creating an Audit Policy.Chapter 15. Managing Internet Security.Appendix A: XML for SQL Server 2000.Appendix B. Third-Party SQL Server Security Management Tools.Appendix C: Answers to Review Questions.Index.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
MIKE YOUNG is Vice President of Sof Touch, Inc., a Microsoft CTEC(Certified Training Education Center). He has been instructingtrainers, corporations, and individuals on Microsoft Back Officeproducts and Oracle databases for more than six years.CURTIS W. YOUNG is President of Sof Touch. A former CPA, Curtis hasbeen designing courseware and training developers in Visual Studioand Back Office for a decade.About Gearhead Press Responding to the ongoing needs of IT professionals for current andreliable information on the latest technologies, Wiley Technology Publishing introduces the Gearhead Press titles. These books, written by accomplished trainers in their respective fields, focuson real-world examples and case studies to give readers the bestinformation on leading topics. The Gearhead Press titles arecharacterized by two imprints: In the Trenches and Point to Point.Both imprints include fast-paced books written by fellow ITprofessionals who have been there and done that. In the Trenchesbooks guide readers to proficiency, and serve as practical, hands-on references after the initial tasks are accomplished. The Point to Point titles invite readers to join an IT team at a modelcompany and implement technologies in real-worldenvironments-demonstrating actual problems and solutions.