Tác giả: Miriam Ronzoni

Ủng hộ
Peter Niesen ist Professor für Politische Theorie an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt.

5 Ebooks bởi Miriam Ronzoni

Peter Niesen: Transnationale Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie
Die Leitideen von Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie, die traditionell für innerstaatliche Ordnungen definiert wurden, müssen heute philosophisch und politisch neu bestimmt werden. Dabei stellt sich die Fr …
tiếng Đức
Ayelet Banai & Miriam Ronzoni: Social Justice, Global Dynamics
Many theoretical publications make assumptions about the facts of globalization, and in particular about the role and autonomy of the nation state. These factual claims and assumptions often play an …
Ayelet Banai & Miriam Ronzoni: Social Justice, Global Dynamics
Many theoretical publications make assumptions about the facts of globalization, and in particular about the role and autonomy of the nation state. These factual claims and assumptions often play an …
Terry Macdonald & Miriam Ronzoni: Global Political Justice
Scholarly debate on the subject of global justice has been overwhelmingly focused so far on the socio-economic aspects of justice. Much less attention has been given to those political aspects of glo …
Terry Macdonald & Miriam Ronzoni: Global Political Justice
Scholarly debate on the subject of global justice has been overwhelmingly focused so far on the socio-economic aspects of justice. Much less attention has been given to those political aspects of glo …