Due to many challenges (i.e. climate change, energy, water and land shortage, high demands on food, land grabbing, etc.), agriculture production potential is expected to be seriously affected; thus, increasing food insecurity and hunger in many already affected regions (especially in Africa). In this context, sustainable agriculture is highly recommended as an eco-system approach where soil, water, plants, environment and living organisms live in harmony. Innovative technologies and research should be developed to ensure sustainable agriculture and productivity using modern irrigation systems, improved varieties, improved soil quality, etc. In the meantime, the preservation of natural environment should be based on resource conservation technologies and best management practices.
Sustainable Agricultural Development, not only raises the serious ethical and social issues underlying these huge environmental problems, but also aims at presenting successful experiences from all over the world in relation with sustainable farming, sustainable management of water and land resources, and innovative processes in livestock production. It also aims at providing inputs to decision making processes and encouraging the transfer of relevant know-how, technologies and expertise to different countries where similar agro-climatic conditions may exist; thus saving precious resources and promoting sustainable agricultural development as a relevant approach to tackle the food security challenge.
Finally, this book focuses on the paradigmatic and policy dimensions and call for an innovative approach by analyzing the key themes in a complex and interrelated manner.
Mục lục
List of acronyms and abbreviation
List of figures
List of table
Part I Sustainable use of land resources as a potential for
sustainable agricultural development
Chapter 1:
Land resource governance from a sustainability and rural development
Chapter 4:
Development of new technological approach to mitigate salinization
Chapter 2:
Land-grabbing and potential implications for world food security
Chapter 3:
Turning adversity into advantage for food security through improving
soil quality and providing production systems for marginal saline lands:
ICBA perspectives and approach
Chapter 5:
Reforestation – Quality improvement of contaminated mining soil
Chapter 6:
A policy framework for sustainable utilisation of farmland for Waterberg
District Municipality in South Africa
Chapter 7:
The zooecological remediation of technogen faulted soil in industrial region of
Ukraine Steppe Zone
Chapter 8:
Transcultural gardens – A proposal for exploitation of urban voids as intensively productive land and as a method of urbanization of minorities. Case studies
demonstrating design tools and managing methodology
Part II Sustainable management of water resources as a prerequisite
for sustainable agriculture development
Chapter 9:
Sustainable rural development and participatory approach by on-farm water management techniques
Chapter 10:
Sustainable water management for irrigated rice production
Chapter 11:
Reduction of water losses by use of alternative irrigation techniques in the
Aral Sea Drainage Basin
Part III Recent innovative processes in agricultural production
Chapter 12:
Use of surface modified inorganic nano materials as slow release nitrogen fertilizer
Chapter 13:
Organic fertilizer use in Northeastern Thailand: An analysis of some factors
affecting farmers’ attitudes
Chapter 14:
Imitating nature to enrich waste with new values and use it as a new resource
Part IV Recent innovative processes in livestock production
Chapter 15:
Farm animal breeding: The implications of existing and new technologies
Chapter 16:
Animal husbandry in focus of sustainability
Chapter 17:
Effect of urea treated sorghum stover supplemented with local protein sources
on the performance of sheep
Chapter 18:
Evaluation of spineless cactus (opuntia ficus-indicus) as an alternative feed
and water source for animals during dry season in Eritrea
Chapter 19:
Comparative feeding value of halophyte as alternative animal feed for small
ruminants in Eritrea
Chapter 20:
The Effect of feeding ensilages of poultry litter with left over bread on the body
weight of barka cattle
Notes on contributors
Author index
Subject index
Chapter 4:
Development of new technological approach to mitigate salinization
Chapter 5:
Reforestation – Quality improvement of contaminated mining soil
Chapter 6:
A policy framework for sustainable utilisation of farmland for Waterberg
District Municipality in South Africa
Chapter 7:
The zooecological remediation of technogen faulted soil in industrial region of
Ukraine Steppe Zone
Chapter 8:
Transcultural gardens – A proposal for exploitation of urban voids as intensively productive land and as a method of urbanization of minorities. Case studies
demonstrating design tools and managing methodology
Part II Sustainable management of water resources as a prerequisite
for sustainable agriculture development
Chapter 9:
Sustainable rural development and participatory approach by on-farm water management techniques
Chapter 10:
Sustainable water management for irrigated rice production
Chapter 11:
Reduction of water losses by use of alternative irrigation techniques in the
Aral Sea Drainage Basin
Part III Recent innovative processes in agricultural production
Chapter 12:
Use of surface modified inorganic nano materials as slow release nitrogen fertilizer
Chapter 13:
Organic fertilizer use in Northeastern Thailand: An analysis of some factors
affecting farmers’ attitudes
Chapter 14:
Imitating nature to enrich waste with new values and use it as a new resource
Part IV Recent innovative processes in livestock production Chapter 15:
Farm animal breeding: The implications of existing and new technologies
Chapter 16:
Animal husbandry in focus of sustainability
Chapter 17:
Effect of urea treated sorghum stover supplemented with local protein sources
on the performance of sheep
Chapter 18:
Evaluation of spineless cactus (opuntia ficus-indicus) as an alternative feed
and water source for animals during dry season in Eritrea
Chapter 19:
Comparative feeding value of halophyte as alternative animal feed for small
ruminants in Eritrea
Chapter 20:
The Effect of feeding ensilages of poultry litter with left over bread on the body
weight of barka cattle
Notes on contributors
Author index
Subject index