Guibernau offers a comparative analysis of nationalist movements in nations without states.
Das E-Book Nations without States wird angeboten von John Wiley & Sons und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert:
Political Issues & Behavior, Political Science, Politikwissenschaft, Politische Fragen u. politisches Verhalten, Social Identity, Sociology, Soziale Identität, Soziologie
Mục lục
1. State and Nation.
2. Nations without States: different political scenarios.
3. Nations and Nationalism in Native America.
4. Nationalism as a Social Movement.
5. Cultural Resistance and Political Violence.
6. Nations without States as New Global Political Actors.
7. Conclusion.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Montserrat Guibernau is a lecturer in Government and Politics at the Open University.