Napoleon Enteria is a professor of mechanical engineering at Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines. He has worked as research specialist at Building Research Institute, a research staff member at Tohoku University for industry-government-academe collaboration, a scientist at the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore of the National University of Singapore, and a global center of excellence researcher at the Wind Engineering Research Center of the Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan. He founded the Enteria Grün Energietechnik, a research and technology consulting for tropical climate. He has participated in collaborative projects with research institutes, universities, and companies across several countries. He is an associate editor with some of the international journals. He also serves as guest editor of some of the important special research issues.
Matteos Santamouris is a scientia professor and professor of high-performance architecture at the University of New South Wales, Australia. He is also a professor at the University of Athens, Greece and a visiting professor at the Cyprus Institute, the Metropolitan University of London Tokyo Polytechnic University, Bolzano University, Brunel University, and the National University of Singapore. He has served as the director of the Laboratory of Building Energy Research at the University of Athens and is a former President of the National Center of Renewable and Energy Savings of Greece. He works as the editor in chief and member of the editorial board of several international journals. He has been a guest editor for twelve special issues of various scientific journals. He is considered an expert by various international research institutions.
Ursula Eicker is the Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) for Next Generation Cities at Concordia University, Montréal. Professor Eicker has held leadership positions at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and its Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies. She has been leading international research projects in the fields of energy efficiency in buildings and sustainable energy supply systems for more than two decades. At Concordia, she leads an ambitious research program to establish pathways toward new tools, technologies, and strategies for zero-carbon cities. Her research interests include the renewable energy systems, smart buildings, urban energy simulation, sustainable transportation and smart waste and waste water management. From solar modules to cooling systems to tech industrialization, she has the distinctive experience of working across sectors, from the lab to the factory and beyond.
5 Ebooks bởi Napoleon Enteria
Napoleon Enteria & Hazim Awbi: Desiccant Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems
This book presents the necessary fundamental knowledge in the research, development, design, selection, and application of desiccant heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems. It covers the …
Napoleon Enteria & Hazim Awbi: Building in Hot and Humid Regions
This book presents an in-depth analysis covering climatic and weather conditions, house and building development history, construction methods and technologies, and environmental conditions. It provi …
Aliakbar Akbarzadeh & Napoleon Enteria: Solar Energy Sciences and Engineering Applications
Solar energy is available all over the world in different intensities. Theoretically, the solar energy available on the surface of the earth is enough to support the energy requirements of the entire …
Napoleon Enteria & Matteos Santamouris: Urban Heat Island (UHI) Mitigation
This book discusses the concepts and technologies associated with the mitigation of urban heat islands (UHIs) that are applicable in hot and humid regions. It presents several city case studies on ho …
Napoleon Enteria & Takao Sawachi: Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems
This book compiles the latest research, development, and application of VRF systems with contributions from various experts who pioneered and contributed to the development of the VRF system. This bo …