This fully revised and updated edition of Nicholas Bunnin and E.P. Tsui-James’ popular introductory philosophy textbook brings together specially-commissioned chapters from a prestigious team of scholars writing on each of the key areas, figures and movements in philosophy.
Mục lục
Preface to the Second Edition.
Preface to the First Edition.
Notes on Contributors.
Contemporary Philosophy in the United States: John R.
Contemporary Philosophy: A Second Look: Bernard Williams.
Part I: Areas of Philosophy:.
1. Epistemology: A. C. Grayling.
2. Metaphysics: Simon Blackburn, with a section on Time Robin Le
3. Philosophy of Language: Martin Davies.
4. Philosophy of Logic: A. W. Moore.
5. Philosophy of Mind: William G. Lycan.
6. Ethics: John Skorupski.
7. Aesthetics: Sebastian Gardner.
8. Political and Social Philosophy: David Archard.
9. Philosophy of Science: David Papineau.
10. Philosophy of Biology: Elliott Sober.
11. Philosophy of Mathematics: Mary Tiles.
12. Philosophy of Social Science: Martin Hollis.
13. Philosophy of Law: N. E. Simmonds.
14. Philosophy of History: Leon Pompa.
15: Philosophy of Religion: Charles Taliaferro.
16. Applied Ethics: John Haldane.
17. Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Genethics: Rebecca Bennett,
Charles A. Erin, John Harris & Søren Holm.
18. Environmental Ethics: Holmes Rolston, III.
19. Business Ethics: Georges Enderle.
20: Philosophy and Feminism: Jean Grimshaw & Miranda
21. Ethnicity, Culture and Philosophy: Robert Bernasconi.
Part II History of Philosophy:.
22. Ancient Greek Philosophy: Robert Wardy.
23. Plato and Aristotle: Lesley Brown.
24. Medieval Philosophy: Jorge Gracia.
25. Francis Bacon: Stephen Gaukroger.
26. Descartes and Malebranche: Richard Francks & George
Mac Donald Ross.
27. Spinoza and Leibniz: Richard Francks & George Mac Donald
28. Hobbes: Tom Sorell.
29. Locke: R. S. Woolhouse.
30. Berkeley: Howard Robinson.
31. Hume: Peter Jones.
32. Kant: David Bell.
33. Hegel: Michael Inwood.
34. Marx: Richard Norman.
35. Bentham, Mill and Sidgwick: Ross Harrison.
36. Pragmatism: Susan Haack.
37. Frege and Russell: R. M. Sainsbury.
38. Moore: Thomas Baldwin.
39. Wittgenstein: David Pears.
40. Nietzsche: David E. Cooper.
41. Husserl and Heidegger: Taylor Carmen.
42. Sartre, Foucault and Derrida: Gary Gutting.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Nicholas Bunnin studied at Harvard University and Corpus
Christi College, Oxford. He is Director of the Philosophy Project
at the Institute for Chinese Studies, University of Oxford.
Eric Tsui-James lectured in Philosophy at St
Hilda’s College, Oxford before becoming Associated Professor
in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong