Analysis, assessment, and data management are core competencies for operation research analysts. This volume addresses a number of issues and developed methods for improving those skills. It is an outgrowth of a conference held in April 2013 at the Hellenic Military Academy and brings together a broad variety of mathematical methods and theories with several applications. It discusses directions and pursuits of scientists that pertain to engineering sciences. It is also presents the theoretical background required for algorithms and techniques applied to a large variety of concrete problems. A number of open questions as well as new future areas are also highlighted.
This book will appeal to operations research analysts, engineers, community decision makers, academics, the military community, practitioners sharing the current “state-of-the-art, ” and analysts from coalition partners. Topics covered include Operations Research, Games and Control Theory, Computational Number Theory and Information Security, Scientific Computing and Applications, Statistical Modeling and Applications, Systems of Monitoring and Spatial Analysis.
Mục lục
Parametric Design and Optimization of Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles (C. Ampatis, E. Papadopoulos).- Scattering Relations for a Multi-Layered Chiral Scatterer in an Achiral Environment (C. Athanasiadis, E. Athanasiadou, S. Dimitroula, E. Kikeri).- Almost Periodic Solutions of Navier–Stokes–Ohm Type Equations in Megneto-Hydrodynamics (E.S. Athanasiadou, V.F. Dionysatos, P.N. Koumantos, P.K. Pavlakos).- Admission Control Policies in a Finite Capacity Geo/Geo/1 Queue under Partial State Observations (A. Burnetas, Ch. Kokaliaris).- Error Bounds for Trapezoid Type Quadrature Rules with Applications for the Mean and Variance (P. Cerone, S.S. Dragomir, E. Kikianty).- Correlated Phenomena in Wireless Communications: A Copula Approach (G.E. Chatzarakis, P.G. Cottis, S.N. Livieratos, A. Voulkidis).- Stochastic Analysis of Cyber Attacks (N.J. Daras).- Numerical Solution of the Defense Force Optimal Positioning Problem (N.J. Daras, D. Triantafyllou).- Invisibility Regions and Regular Meta-materials (G. Dassios).- Evaluating UAV Impact in the Tactical Context of a Mechanized Infantry Scout Platoon Through Military Simulation Software (G. Drakopoulos, K. Kouvelis, E. Mavratzotis, S. Papadopoulos, M. Sakelariou, A. Vatikalos, A. Voulodimos).- Balanced Integer Solutions of Linear Equations (K.A. Draziotis).- A Short Exposition of Topological Applications to Security Systems (S. Hassapis, D. Panagopoulos).- SAR Imaging: An Autofocusing Method for Improving Image Quality and MFS Image Classification Technique (E. Kallitsis, A. Karakasiliotis, A. Malamou, C. Pandis, P. Stefaneas, P. Frangos).- Optimal Preventive Maintenance of a Production-Inventory System When the Action of ‘Idling’ is Permissible (C. Karamatsoukis, E.G. Kyriakidis).- Operational Planning for Military Demolitions: An Integrated Approach (M.G. Karlaftis, K. Kepaptsoglou, A. Spanakis).- Satellite Telecommunications in the Military: Advantages, Limitations, and the Networking Challenge (G. Katsoulis).-Stabilization and Tracking for Swarm Based UAV Missions Subject to Time-Delay (G.P. Kladis).- About Model Compliexity of 2-D Polynomial Discrete Systems: An Algebraic Approach (S. Kotsios, D. Lappas).- A Control Scheme Toward Accurate Firing While Moving for a Mobile Robotic Weapon System with Delayed Resonators (F.N. Koumboulis, N.D. Kouvakas).- Reliability Analysis of Coherent Systems with Exchangeable Components (M.V. Koutras, I.S. Triantafyllou).- Abductive Reasoning in 2D Geospatial Problems (A. Koutsioumpas).- Computational Number Theory and Cryptography (P. Mihăilescu, M.Th. Rassias).- Improvement of Order Performance of a Supplier (S.J. Moschuris, C. Nikou).- On the Design of Agent Agreement Protocol Using Linear Error-Correcting Codes (P.E. Nastou, P. Pardalos, P. Spirakis, Y.C. Stamatiou).- The Byzantine Generals Problem in Generic and Wireless Networks (A. Pagourtzis).- A Multidimensional Hilbert-type Integral Inequality Related to the Riemann Zeta Function (M.Th. Rassias, B. Yang).- Robustness of Fictitious Play in a Resource Allocation Game (M. Smyrnakis).