Tác giả: Nick Willoughby

Ủng hộ
Nick Willoughby heads Filmmaking For Kids and Film Future, a pair of programs designed to teach kids aged 7-16 the various aspects of filmmaking. Nick is also a writer and director for 7 Stream Media, a video and media production firm based in the UK.

5 Ebooks bởi Nick Willoughby

Nick Willoughby: Digital Filmmaking For Kids For Dummies
The easy way for kids to get started with filmmaking If you’ve been bitten by the filmmaking bug—even if you don’t have a background in video or access to fancy equipment—Digital Filmmaking For Kids …
Nick Willoughby: Digital Filmmaking For Kids For Dummies
The easy way for kids to get started with filmmaking If you’ve been bitten by the filmmaking bug–even if you don’t have a background in video or access to fancy equipment–Digital Filmmaking For Kid …
Nick Willoughby & Will Eagle: Making YouTube Videos
Everything kids need to create and star in their own video! You Tube has won the hearts, minds, and eyes of kids around the globe. Young people everywhere are making their mark on this popular platfo …
Nick Willoughby & Will Eagle: Making YouTube Videos
Everything kids need to create and star in their own video! You Tube has won the hearts, minds, and eyes of kids around the globe. Young people everywhere are making their mark on this popular platfo …
Nick Willoughby: YouTube-Videos selber machen für Dummies Junior
Träumst auch du davon, ein You Tuber zu werden und Tausende von Abonnenten zu haben? Möchtest du andere über einen Vlog an deinem Leben teilhaben lassen? Willst du vor großem Internet-Publikum rappen …
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