Your bundle of joy comes with a bundle of financial considerations
— everything from managing the mortgage on one income to paying
for your child’s education. So from the moment you decide to start
a family it’s worth taking the important step of getting
financially fit for parenthood.
Mother-of-four and personal finance journalist Nicola Field
takes parents and parents-to-be on a step-by-step journey that
covers every aspect of funding a family. Baby or Bust
tackles the key issues faced by parents today, including:
* deciding when to have children
* managing the extra costs
* living well on one income
* taking parental leave
* working out which government benefits you are entitled to
* saving for your child’s education.
With lots of easy-to-follow tips and plenty of good, sound money
advice, this entertaining and informative book is a must-read for
anyone about to start a family. You may not be able to stop the
baby from waking at 3 am but at least you won’t be lying awake
worrying about the family finances!
Mục lục
About the author iv
Acknowledgements v
Foreword vii
1 Ready or not? Knowing the right time 1
2 Can we afford a baby? 15
3 Forward planning 33
4 Nine months … and counting 61
5 Paying for everything 81
6 Maternity leave and beyond 93
7 Penny-wise parenting — surviving on one income 109
8 Living well on a budget 127
9 Bibs, bottles, briefcase 139
10 Saving for schooling 159
Notes 177
Index 181
Giới thiệu về tác giả
A journalist for more than eight years, and a former chartered accountant, Nicola Field is a regular contributor to a number of successful magazines, including Money Magazine and Real Living. Nicola lives and works from home in the Upper Hunter Valley of New South Wales with her partner, four children and a growing assortment of horses.