Tác giả: Nicola Gigli

Ủng hộ
Nicola Gigli studied Mathematics at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and is Professor of Mathematical Analysis at SISSA, Trieste. He is interested in calculus of variations, optimal transport, and geometric and nonsmooth analysis, with particular focus on properties of spaces with curvature bounded from below.   Enrico Pasqualetto earned his Ph D degree in Mathematics at SISSA (Trieste) in 2018 and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Jyväskylä. His fields of interest consist in functional analysis and geometric measure theory on non-smooth metric structures, mainly in the presence of synthetic curvature bounds. Within this framework, his research topics include rectifiability properties, Sobolev spaces, and sets of finite perimeter.

7 Ebooks bởi Nicola Gigli

Luigi Ambrosio & Nicola Gigli: Gradient Flows
This book is devoted to a theory of gradient ?ows in spaces which are not nec- sarily endowed with a natural linear or di?erentiable structure. It is made of two parts, the ?rst one concerning gradie …
Nicola Gigli: Second Order Analysis on $(/mathscr {P}_2(M), W_2)$
The author develops a rigorous second order analysis on the space of probability measures on a Riemannian manifold endowed with the quadratic optimal transport distance $W_2$. The discussion includes …
Nicola Gigli & Enrico Pasqualetto: Lectures on Nonsmooth Differential Geometry
This book provides an introduction to some aspects of the flourishing field of nonsmooth geometric analysis. In particular, a quite detailed account of the first-order structure of general metric mea …
Nicola Gigli: On the Differential Structure of Metric Measure Spaces and Applications
The main goals of this paper are: (i) To develop an abstract differential calculus on metric measure spaces by investigating the duality relations between differentials and gradients of Sobolev funct …
Nicola Gigli: Nonsmooth Differential Geometry-An Approach Tailored for Spaces with Ricci Curvature Bounded from Below
The author discusses in which sense general metric measure spaces possess a first order differential structure. Building on this, spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below a second order calculu …
Nicola Gigli: Measure Theory in Non-Smooth Spaces
Analysis in singular spaces is becoming an increasingly important area of research, with motivation coming from the calculus of variations, PDEs, geometric analysis, metric geometry and probability t …