Reasoning about structure-reactivity and chemical processes is a key competence in chemistry. Especially in organic chemistry, students experience difficulty appropriately interpreting organic representations and reasoning about the underlying causality of organic mechanisms. As organic chemistry is often a bottleneck for students’ success in their career, compiling and distilling the insights from recent research in the field will help inform future instruction and the empowerment of chemistry students worldwide. This book brings together leading research groups to highlight recent advances in chemistry education research with a focus on the characterization of students’ reasoning and their representational competencies, as well as the impact of instructional and assessment practices in organic chemistry. Written by leaders in the field, this title is ideal for chemistry education researchers, instructors and practitioners, and graduate students in chemistry education.
Mục lục
Students’ Attention on Curved Arrows While Evaluating the Plausibility of an Organic Mechanistic Step;Supporting Spatial Thinking in Organic Chemistry Through Augmented Reality – An Explorative Interview Study;Representational Competence Under the Magnifying Glass – The Interplay Between Student Reasoning Skills, Conceptual Understanding, and the Nature of Representation;Fostering Causal Mechanistic Reasoning as a Means of Modelling in Organic Chemistry;Students’ Reasoning in Chemistry Arguments and Designing Resources Using Constructive Alignment;From Free Association to Goal-directed Problem-solving – Network Analysis of Students’ Use of Chemical Concepts in Mechanistic Reasoning;Epistemic Stances in Action – Students’ Reasoning Process While Reflecting About Alternative Reaction Pathways in Organic Chemistry;How Do Students Reason When They Have to Describe the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of a Given Reaction Mechanism?;In-the-moment Learning of Organic Chemistry During Interactive Lectures Through the Lens of Practical Epistemology Analysis;Flipped Classrooms in Organic Chemistry – A Closer Look at Student Reasoning Through Discourse Analysis of a Group Activity;Systemic Assessment Questions as a Means of Assessment in Organic Chemistry;Variations in the Teaching of Resonance – An Exploration of Organic Chemistry Instructors’ Enacted Pedagogical Content Knowledge;Investigation of Students’ Conceptual Understanding in Organic Chemistry Through Systemic Synthesis Questions;Disciplining Perception Spatial Thinking in Organic Chemistry Through Embodied Actions;Building Bridges Between Tasks and Flasks – Design of a Coherent Experiment-supported Learning Environment for Deep Reasoning in Organic Chemistry;Assessment of Assessment in Organic Chemistry – Review and Analysis of Predominant Problem Types Related to Reactions and Mechanisms;Developing Machine Learning Models for Automated Analysis of Organic Chemistry Students’ Written Descriptions of Organic Reaction Mechanisms;Deveopment of a Generalizable Framework for Machine Learning-based Evaluation of Written Explanations of Reaction Mechanisms from the Post-secondary Organic Chemistry Curriculum;The Central Importance of Assessing ‘Doing Science’ to Research and Instruction