4 Ebooks bởi Nobukazu Nakagoshi
Sun-Kee Hong & Nobukazu Nakagoshi: Landscape Ecological Applications in Man-Influenced Areas
Since the last century of ecological history, landscape ecologists have played a role in solving many hot issues linking development and conservation of landscape. Recently, cause and consequences of …
Sun-Kee Hong & Nobukazu Nakagoshi: Landscape Ecology for Sustainable Society
The research category of the landscape ecology, which researches the structure, functions, and the spatio-temporal changes of the ecological landscapes, has now been contributing to the human life an …
Nobukazu Nakagoshi & Jhonamie A. Mabuhay: Designing Low Carbon Societies in Landscapes
This book focuses on three major means of achieving a low carbon society: conservation of the ecosystem complex, changes of arrangement of landscapes, and creation of biodiversity. There are specific …
Sun-Kee Hong & Jianguo Wu: Landscape Ecology in Asian Cultures
Cultural landscapes are a product of the interactions between humans and natural settings. They are landscapes and seascapes that are shaped by human history and land use. Socioeconomic processe …