Tác giả: Nolan Lushington

Ủng hộ
Nolan Lushington, Hartford, CT, USAWolfgang Rudorf, RISD, Providence, USAProf. Liliane Wong, RISD, Providence, USA

2 Ebooks bởi Nolan Lushington

Nolan Lushington & Wolfgang Rudorf: Entwurfsatlas Bibliotheken
Der Bautyp Bibliotheken unterlag in den letzten zehn Jahren einem enormen Wandel. Meilensteine wie Rem Koolhaas’ Stadtbibliothek in Seattle von 2004 definierten den Typus komplett neu und spiegelten …
tiếng Đức
Nolan Lushington & Wolfgang Rudorf: Libraries: A Design Manual
Libraries as a building type have been subjected to substantial changes in particular in the past ten years. Milestones such as Rem Koolhaas’ Seattle Central Library from 2004 reinvented the typology …