Dr. Mark Umbreit is the founding Director of the Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking at the University of Minnesota, School of Social Work. He also serves on the faculty of the Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee and on the faculty of the Center for Spirituality and Healing in the U. of Minn. Academic Health Center. He has served as a Fellow of the International Centre for Healing and the Law in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Dr. Umbreit is an internationally recognized practitioner and scholar with more than 35 years of experience as a mediator, trainer, researcher, and author of six books and numerous articles in fields of restorative justice, mediation, and peacemaking. He has conducted training seminars and lectures throughout the world.As a practitioner, he specializes in facilitating dialogue between family survivors/victims of severe violence, primarily homicide, and the offender. He is the author of Facing Violence: The Path of Restorative Justice & Dialogue, which reports on the first multi-site study of victim/offender mediation and dialogue in crimes of severe violence.
1 Ebooks bởi Norman G. Lavery
Norman G. Lavery: The Power of Circles
Communication is the key to all successful human interactions. In light of the expanding use of texting and other forms of electronic communication, we risk losing the personal, face-to-face meetings …