2 Ebooks bởi Noro Tetsuo Noro
Sakaguchi Hidetsugu Sakaguchi & Sakai Hideyuki Sakai: Nuclear Many-body And Medium Effects In Nuclear Interactions And Reactions, Proceedings Of The Kyudai-rcnp International Symposium
This volume contains the proceedings of the third meeting in the series of symposia and workshops on nuclear medium effects. The topics covered include many-body forces in few-nucleon systems, nuclea …
Toki Hiroshi Toki & Ejiri Hiroyasu Ejiri: Nuclear Reaction Dynamics Of Nucleon-hadron Many Body System : From Nucleon Spins And Mesons In Nuclei To Quark Lepton Nuclear Physics – Proceedings Of The 14th Rcnp Osaka International Symposium
The 14th RCNP OSAKA International Symposium on Nuclear Reaction Dynamics of Nucleon-Hadron Many Body System was held in Osaka from December 6 to 9, 1995. The symposium covered current topics from Nuc …