Rational use of natural resources has gained importance in the last several years. Solving this actual problem in terms of national economy suggests developing non-waste technologies based on the complex use of raw materials. Such an approach simultaneously solves the problem of waste accumulation and avoids ecological damage. The term "industrial waste" itself becomes conditional for most material products, making them valuable and even scarce raw materials. At the same time, man...
Rational use of natural resources has gained importance in the last several years. Solving this actual problem in terms of national economy suggests developing non-waste technologies based on the complex use of raw materials. Such an approach simultaneously solves the problem of waste accumulation and avoids ecological damage. The term "industrial waste" itself becomes conditional for most material products, making them valuable and even scarce raw materials. At the same time, many industrial and municipal waste products that have big practical interest are still not investigated enough for different reasons. From this viewpoint, the possible popularization of using these waste products may be achieved. There are many publications concerned with using industrial waste products, including building materials production. However, in our opinion, preparing a book that summarizes general approaches still remains to be published. The present book deals with the main directions in using industrial and municipal waste products for producing effective construction materials; it reflects the ways for saving material and energetic resources by using mineral and organic raw materials. Efficiency of using traditional and new building materials based on secondary products (like metallurgy slags, ash and slag of power stations, etc.) is analyzed. Finally, the main technological parameters for using waste products of different industries are given, while various technical and economical features are presented.