This book translates fundamental knowledge in basic cardiac electrophysiology from the bench to the bedside. Revised and updated for its second edition, the text offers new coverage of the molecular mechanisms of ion channel behavior and its regulation, complex arrhythmias, and the broadening roles of devices and ablation. Clear, straightforward explanations are illustrated by plentiful diagrams to make the material accessible to the non-specialist.
Mục lục
Acknowledgments, vii
Foreword to the Second Edition by Douglas P. Zipes, ix
Foreword to the First Edition by Douglas P. Zipes, xi
Introduction, 1
Chapter 1 Bioelectricit...
Giới thiệu về tác giả
José Jalife, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.H.R.S.
Professor and Chairman of Pharmacology
Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
Director, Institute for Cardiovascular Res...