The ‘naming’ of God is one of the essential pillars of Islam as well as Christianity and Judaism. In the monotheistic traditions, every Name of God has its own ‘presence’. According to ‘the greatest spiritual master’ Ibn ʿArabī (1165-1240), the 99 Names of God in Islamic devotional practice and spiritual teaching are the fundamental way of expressing the full relationship between the human being and the Divine, between transcendence and immanence, and between Unity and mutliplicity. The Divine Names are thus the ways in which the One God bestows His beauty and beneficence upon the multiplicity of the created world, and on human beings in particular.
The Secret of God’s Most Beautiful Names presents, for the first time in English, two of the most profound teachings on the 99 Names: Ibn ʿArabī’s Kashf al-maʿnā, depicting each of the Names according to three complementary perspectives; and The Summary, drawn from his Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya. A comprehensive introduction and notes are provided alongside the translation and edition of the Arabic text.
This important classic of Sufi literature is a must-read for all who desire to understand the inner meaning of Islam and Ibn ʿArabī’s teachings.
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Pablo Beneito, Professor at the Department of Translation and Interpreting, University of Murcia, Spain, is a well-known translator and commentator on Ibn ʿArabī, and editor of El Azufre Rojo: Revista de Estudios sobre Ibn Arabi.