For me, it has been an act of courage to write and publish this book. Even under ordinary circumstances, it is not easy to stand behind your words and thoughts and to share them. The subject could be light hearted. Still, the writer must own it on the page. But this is no ordinary book. This is a Spirit Guide coming to me to speak through me with information for this planet, Earth. He speaks in the first perso...
For me, it has been an act of courage to write and publish this book. Even under ordinary circumstances, it is not easy to stand behind your words and thoughts and to share them. The subject could be light hearted. Still, the writer must own it on the page. But this is no ordinary book. This is a Spirit Guide coming to me to speak through me with information for this planet, Earth. He speaks in the first person, as I am his scribe taking his dictation. This aspect is unusual, as most writers write in the first person, claiming every word. You might ask, “How do you hear him?” I will tell you “easily, clear as a bell when I hear him in meditation.” I have the gift of ESP; I am a sensitive. This is my invitation to greatness (Chapter 22 in this book). I accept the challenge. For me, an act of courage is greatness. When I think of greatness, I think of my dearest brother Joe, who was a veteran from the Vietnam war. I am no match for him! He is my hero. He fought so hard and suffered the rest of his life after the war from post-traumatic stress syndrome, as he was exposed to Agent Orange chemicals in the fields of Vietnam. I know what my brother Joe would say though, if he were alive today. He would say, “Go for it, Sis! Publish Dwellers on Two Planes. Share it now!” With all that said, it is my great honor to present teacher Rama, a teacher I know from my metaphysical study work; I am an 8th degree graduate since 1994 from Astara Brotherhood. This entire book is about Planet Earth, its people, possibilities, and problems, as well as the universe around our planet. I hope you will find his thoughts, as I find them, useful, wise, provoking and truly extraordinary. He pulls no punches! He is from the Order of Melchizedek, the first order of priests. I wish you a blessed day.
Patricia L. Lindsay- Author