Tác giả: Patrick Schreiner

Ủng hộ
Patrick Schreiner (Dr. phil.) ist Politikwissenschaftler und Germanist. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind interpretative Sozialwissenschaften, Außenkulturpolitik und Theorien des Nationalstaats.

7 Ebooks bởi Patrick Schreiner

Patrick Schreiner: Außenkulturpolitik
Sport, Künste, Wissenschaft und Personenaustausch stellen zentrale – aber viel zu wenig beachtete – Aspekte der Nationalstaatlichkeit und der internationalen Politik dar. Erstmals wird in diesem Buch …
tiếng Đức
Patrick Schreiner: Matthew, Disciple and Scribe
This fresh look at the Gospel of Matthew highlights the unique contribution that Matthew’s rich and multilayered portrait of Jesus makes to understanding the connection between the Old and New …
Patrick Schreiner: The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross
‘The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and …
Patrick Schreiner: The Ascension of Christ
It's essential to the Gospel, but we rarely talk about it.The good news of Jesus includes his life, death, resurrection, and future return–but what about his ascension? Though often neglected …
Patrick Schreiner: Transfiguration of Christ
All three Synoptic Gospels tell the story of Jesus’s transfiguration. Yet there has been surprisingly little written about this key event, and many readers struggle to understand its significance and …
Patrick Schreiner: The Mission of the Triune God
Understanding Luke’s Narrative in the Book of Acts The book of Acts is unlike any other in Scripture; it has no rival in terms of a book spanning so many different lands. Written by a Gentile, it …
Patrick Schreiner & Kai Eicker-Wolf: Wirtschaftsmärchen
»Die Löhne sind zu hoch.« »Wachstum kommt allen zugute.« »Der Sozialstaat ist unbezahlbar.« »Private Unternehmen sind effizienter als der Staat.« »Hohe Steuern bremsen die Wirtschaft.« Derlei …
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