This allegorical fiction, known as a Tall Tale, is a symbolic story that conveys a hidden meaning. It falls under the category of Allegory, which includes Fables, Tall Tales, and Parables. The story follows Tom the Owl, who lives alone in a desert until a pink Cadillac convertible passes by and leaves him a mysterious gift. This gift sparks a change in Tom, giving him the desire to take flight and find love. Curiosity and loneliness drive Tom the Owl to pursue his new destiny, accompanied by delightful illustrations. This delightful little owl love story has 24 pages and measures 6’x9′.
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An artist, illustrator and author, Patsy Stanley is known for a diverse range of non-fiction and fiction books including romance novels, whimsical children’s books, metaphysical energy books, and art books. Patsy is a great-grandmother with two children, three grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Many of Patsy’s stories show up fully formed and ready to be written. Many of her books are filled with humorous illustrations. Patsy is dedicated to storytelling and creating art and books that appeal to readers of all ages and backgrounds.