Paul David Tripp (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a pastor, an award-winning author, and an international conference speaker. He has written numerous books, including Lead; Parenting; and the bestselling devotional New Morning Mercies. His not-for-profit ministry exists to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life. Tripp lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Luella, and they have four grown children.
64 Ebooks bởi Paul David Tripp
Paul David Tripp: Dangerous Calling
Applying well-informed critical thinking to questions raised by theologians and scientists alike, Collins examines the relevant biblical and Second Temple Jewish texts, to discover whether they reall …
Paul David Tripp: Forever
Is this all you’re living for?For years, pastor Paul Tripp understood we were "hardwired for forever." But he didn’t understand that it was more than a valuable insight. It is a practical t …
David Powlison & Paul David Tripp: How People Change
What does it take for lasting change to take root in your life? If you’ve ever tried, failed, and wondered what you could do differently, you need to read How People Change.In the book, biblical coun …
Paul David Tripp: Quest for More
Paul David Tripp expertly traverses the deepest recesses of the human heart and compassionately invites fellow Christian travelers to journey with him into God’s bigger kingdom. Readers will be encou …
Paul David Tripp & Timothy S. Lane: Relationships
Relationships are messy. In this deeply insightful book by Paul David Tripp and Timothy S. Lane, readers are presented with the power of grace to redeem and restore relationships. Through straightfor …
Paul David Tripp: Whiter Than Snow
What do you do when you've really blown it? Is sin really as dangerous and is grace really as powerful as the Bible says they are? Is there such a thing as a new beginning? Sin and grace-these a …
Paul David Tripp: Parenting
Winner of the ECPA Book of the Year Award for Christian Living What is your calling as a parent? In the midst of folding laundry, coordinating carpool schedules, and breaking up fights, many parents …
Paul David Tripp: Sex in a Broken World
We live in a deeply broken world . . . but there is hope. Sexuality is a fundamental part of what it means to be human—part of God’s beautiful design when he created all things. And yet, sex in our w …
Paul David Tripp: Redeeming Money
Money. The thought of it can be overwhelming, and the pursuit of it can be addicting. Our society constantly promises us that money will provide what we want—success, comfort, peace, and happiness—le …
Paul David Tripp: Suffering
Sometimes life just hurts. Out of nowhere, death, illness, unemployment, or a difficult relationship can change our lives and challenge everything we thought we knew—leaving us feeling unable to cope …
Paul David Tripp: ¿Qué estabas esperando?
Todos los matrimonios se convierten en algo que los esposos no querían. En algún punto necesitarás algo más sólido que el romance; algo más profundo que los intereses comunes y que la atracción mutua …
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Paul David Tripp: El llamamiento peligroso
‘En este libro mi amigo Paul Tripp centra la atención de la palabra de Dios en el corazón de cada pastor. Si has estado en el ministerio veinte minutos o veinte años, te lo recomiendo. Abórdalo con o …
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Paul David Tripp: El sexo y el dinero
Es triste pensar en cuánta gente buscará hoy en el sexo y el dinero lo que estos no pueden dar, y al hacerlo cederán a la tentación y profundizarán su adicción. Es triste pensar cuánta gente en su ve …
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Paul David Tripp: Edad de oportunidad
La discusión sobre quién tendrá el último panecito, o las luchas sobre la ropa que quieren o no quieren ponerse, o la acusación, !Eres la única madre (o padre) que me obliga hacer…! ¿Son molestias …
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Paul David Tripp: La crianza de los hijos
Este libro, según Tripp, está destinado a darle una visión, una motivación, una renovada fuerza, y el descanso de corazón que cada padre necesita. Está escrito para darles el gran cuadro del evangeli …
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Paul David Tripp: Sufrimiento
LA ETERNIDAD HACE LA DIFERENCIA ¡Qué difícil es ver la bondad de Dios de cara a la tragedia y el sufrimiento! Sintiéndonos abandonados, le gritamos, le preguntamos, nos alejamos de El, tal vez inclus …
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Paul David Tripp: Edad de oportunidad
¿Cómo manejar los corajes y peleas de nuestros jóvenes? La discusión sobre quién tendrá el último panecito, o las luchas sobre la ropa que quieren o no quieren ponerse, o la acusación: ‘Eres la única …
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Paul David Tripp: Matrimonio: ¿El sueño de quién?
El cónyuge definitivo. El matrimonio de ensueño. ¿Dónde caen en tu lista de deseos? Si el matrimonio parece menos que ideal, ¿estás agotando tu paciencia con Dios? Es posible quedar atrapados en nues …
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Paul David Tripp: Sufrimiento
Paul Tripp sabe lo que es pasar por algo difícil como una enfermedad abrupta y dolorosa, y escribe este libro para los que compartan las experiencias dolorosas con él. El sufrimiento nunca es abstrac …
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Paul David Tripp: 40 Days of Faith
‘Faith is breathing in the oxygen of God's grace, giving life to my once-dead heart.’ —Paul David Tripp As breath is to the body, so faith is to the Christian life. Through 40 daily meditations …
Paul David Tripp: 40 Days of Grace
‘Grace is more than just a story, it's more than just a theology, and it's more than just a powerful force—no, grace is a person, and his name is Jesus. Jesus is the grace of God.’ —Paul Da …
Humans are hardwired for awe. Our hearts are always captured by something—that’s how God made us. But sin threatens to distract us from the glory of our Creator. All too often, we stand in awe of eve …
Paul David Tripp: Creados para el reino
Paul David Tripp promete a sus lectores que recibirán ánimo, entusiasmo y motivación a medida que aprenden cómo poner a un lado el apego a su ‘reinito’, el cual puede disfrazarse hábilmente dentro de …
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David Powlison & Paul David Tripp: How People Change Facilitator’s Guide
Change doesn’t happen overnight for the Christian. Growth is a lifelong journey. In the How People Change Facilitator’s Guide, Paul Tripp and Tim Lane help group leaders guide participants in underst …
David Powlison & Paul David Tripp: How People Change Study Guide
Based on principles from their book, How People Change, Paul David Tripp and Timothy S. Lane have created this study guide to be used, along with the corresponding, facilitator guide and video semina …
Paul David Tripp: Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands Study Guide
Paul David Tripp’s best-selling book, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands, opened the eyes of thousands of men and women within the church to how they can be part of the change process in others’ liv …
Paul David Tripp: Halle Takes a Stand
This colorful, beautifully illustrated children’s book invites children ages three through eight into Halle Hedgehog’s world to learn alongside her how Jesus gives her courage to take a stand against …
David Powlison & Paul David Tripp: Como Cambia la Gente Guia Del Lider
Based on principles from the book, Paul David Tripp and Timothy S. Lane now offer the How People Change Study Guide for use in church-wide training, small group, Sunday school, youth group, or one-on …
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David Powlison & Paul David Tripp: Como Cambia la Gente
Based on principles from the book, Paul David Tripp and Timothy S. Lane now offer the How People Change Study Guide for use in church-wide training, small group, Sunday school, youth group, or one-on …
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Paul David Tripp & Timothy S. Lane: Change and Your Relationships
This 12-week CCEF study helps individuals and small groups transform their relationships using principles from Timothy Lane and Paul David Tripp’s Relationships: A Mess Worth Making. Participants lea …
Paul David Tripp: Helping Your Adopted Child
Long before you decided to adopt, long before your child was born, God planned to put your adopted child into your home. Your child is an amazing gift from God, but nurturing an adopted child also br …
Paul David Tripp: Grief
No matter what the circumstances, death shakes us to the core. It seems so wrong, and it is! We long for comfort, but we don’t know where to look. Can God really help when we are overwhelmed with gri …
Paul David Tripp: Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands Facilitator’s Guide
Based on Paul David Tripp’s best-selling book of the same name, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands Facilitator’s Guide is designed to be used along with the Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands Semin …
Paul David Tripp: Peer Pressure
Does your child do and say things just to be liked and accepted? Constantly talk about what others think and say? Go from one relational drama to the next? These are all warning signs that your child …
Paul David Tripp & Voice of Hope: Jeden Morgen neue Gnade
Der Vormittag kann hart sein. Da reichen ein herzhaftes Frühstück und eine Tasse Kaffee einfach nicht aus. Der Bestseller-Autor Paul David Tripp bietet mehr als nur einen kräftigen Kaffee, er möchte …
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Paul David Tripp & Voice of Hope: 40 Tage der Gnade
»Gnade ist mehr als nur eine Geschichte, mehr als nur eine Theologie und mehr als nur eine mächtige Kraft – Gnade ist eine Person, und ihr Name ist Jesus. Jesus ist die Gnade Gottes.« – PAUL DAVID TR …
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Paul David Tripp & Voice of Hope: 40 Tage der Liebe
»Es gibt einfach nichts Vergleichbares zur Liebe Gottes. Sie ist die stärkste Kraft im Universum.« PAUL DAVID TRIPPNur die Liebe Gottes kann die Sehnsucht unseres Herzens stillen. In 40 täglichen And …
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Paul David Tripp & Voice of Hope: 40 Tage der Hoffnung
»Die Botschaft und die Geschichte der Hoffnung sind auf allen Seiten der Heiligen Schrift zu finden. Die Bibel erzählt von zerbrochener und wiederhergestellter Hoffnung.« – PAUL DAVID TRIPP Jeder Men …
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Paul David Tripp & Voice of Hope: 40 Tage des Glaubens
»Der Glaube atmet den Sauerstoff der Gnade Gottes ein und gibt meinem ursprünglich toten Herzen Leben.« PAUL DAVID TRIPPWie der Atem für den Körper, so ist der Glaube für das Leben des Christen. In 4 …
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Paul David Tripp: Abrigo no temporal
‘Um salmo pode realmente mudar a sua vida? Pode, se você se aprofundar o bastante em seu estudo. Abrigo no Temporal é Paul Tripp em sua melhor fase – escavando o salmo 27 com clareza, vigor e relevân …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Paul David Tripp: Você acredita?
As doutrinas — aquilo que sabemos e confessamos ser verdade sobre Deus — são cruciais para a vida espiritual de todo crente. Compreender as doutrinas bíblicas não só nos ajuda a aprender mais sobre D …
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Paul David Tripp & Timothy S. Lane: Diseñados para no estar solos
Construye relaciones sanas Esperanza para las relaciones problemáticas y cargadas de conflictos. De repente tu mejor amigo se comporta frío y distante. Tu cónyuge no para de quejarse de tus malos háb …
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Amie Patrick & Darrin Patrick: Dude’s Guide to Marriage
‘;I am a well-loved wife.’ Is this something your wife would say?Here’s your guide to making those words a reality in your marriage.What do women want? This question has stumped the greatest male min …
Paul David Tripp: Sunday Matters
Paul David Tripp’s Weekly Devotional Helps Readers Prepare Their Hearts for Church Christians understand the importance of attending church, but many find their attention being pulled away from worsh …
Paul David Tripp: A Shelter in the Time of Storm
Fifty-two meditations on Psalm 27 instruct and encourage believers to worship God through the ups and downs of life. Psalm 27 is a psalm of trouble and worship, of difficulty and beauty, of the evil …
Paul David Tripp: Dangerous Calling
After traveling the globe and speaking to thousands of churches worldwide, Paul David Tripp has discovered a serious problem within pastoral culture. He is not only concerned about the spiritual life …
Paul David Tripp: New Morning Mercies
365 Gospel-Centered Devotions for the Whole Year Mornings can be tough. Sometimes, a hearty breakfast and strong cup of coffee just aren’t enough. Offering more than a rush of caffeine, best-selling …
Paul David Tripp: Awe
Humans are hardwired for awe. Our hearts are always captured by something—that’s how God made us. But sin threatens to distract us from the glory of our Creator. All too often, we stand in awe of eve …
Paul David Tripp: My Heart Cries Out
This ebook edition contains artwork adapted from the print edition to fit the digital format. ‘My hope is that this volume will help you to see the Savior more clearly, to understand his grace more d …
William P. Smith: Parenting with Words of Grace
How you speak to your kids today will impact your relationship with them tomorrow. As a parent, your words are powerful. What you say and how you say it has the potential to either invite your childr …
Paul David Tripp: Lead
The church is experiencing a leadership crisis. What can we do to prevent pastors from leaving the ministry? For every celebrity pastor exiting the ministry in the spotlight, there are many more less …
Paul David Tripp: Journey to the Cross
Journey through Lent with Best-Selling Author Paul David Tripp ‘During our forty days together, may your mourning increase so that your joy may deepen.’ —Paul David Tripp Lent is a time in the yearly …
Paul David Tripp: Do You Believe?
Best Selling Author Paul David Tripp Unpacks 12 Doctrines for Everyday Christian Living Doctrine—what Christians believe—directly influences how they live. The biblical truths about God, humanity, an …
Sam Allberry: What God Has to Say about Our Bodies
‘God’s eternal plan for us involves our body. We can’t write off our physical life as spiritually irrelevant.’ —Sam Allberry There’s a danger in focusing too much on the body. There’s also a danger i …
Paul David Tripp: 40 Days of Hope
A 40-Day Devotional on Hope from Paul David Tripp This series of short devotionals from popular author and speaker Paul David Tripp encourages Christians to experience the life-giving message of the …
Paul David Tripp: Marriage (Repackage)
Updated with Two Bonus Chapters When you say ‘I do, ‘ you begin the journey of a lifetime— and you have dreams of that journey being perfect. But it won’t take long for expectations of the perfect ma …
Paul David Tripp: Reactivity
Bestselling Author Paul David Tripp Helps Christians Communicate Biblically in a Culture of Outrage Digital media and technology are altering the way people act—and react—toward each other. Criticism …
Paul David Tripp: Come, Let Us Adore Him
This year, don't let Christmas sneak up on you again. The wonder and awe of the Christmas season can easily get overshadowed by lights, tinsel, bows, and paper—not to mention last-minute trips t …
Paul David Tripp: 40 Days of Love
A 40 Day Devotional on Love from Paul David Tripp This series of short devotionals from popular author and speaker Paul David Tripp encourages Christians to experience the life-giving message of the …
Paul David Tripp: New Morning Mercies (repack)
Paul David Tripp’s Bestselling Devotional Features 365 Gospel-Centered Readings for the Whole Year Mornings can be tough. Sometimes, a hearty breakfast and strong cup of coffee just aren’t enough. Of …
Paul David Tripp: New Morning Mercies for Teens
Paul David Tripp’s Bestselling Daily Devotional New Morning Mercies, Adapted for Teenagers Teenagers today face unprecedented and complex challenges in their lives and relationships. Parents and yout …
Paul David Tripp: Reaktivität überwinden
Digitale Medien und Technologie verändern die Art und Weise, wie Menschen miteinander umgehen und aufeinander reagieren. Kritik, Empörung und Kontroversen dominieren den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs, u …
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Paul David Tripp: Everyday Gospel
365 Daily Devotions by Bestselling Author Paul David Tripp Follow a Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan Christians know that daily Scripture reading is an essential spiritual discipline. But sometimes openi …
Jared C. Wilson: Lest We Drift
"If you are in ministry, this book is a must-read for you and your ministry teamnot just once, but once a year." Paul David Tripp How do we keep from drifting away from what makes us who we …