My name is Paul, and Ive suffered with Crohns Disease for thirty years. This is my story of how Ive survived. It includes the agony I went through for eighteen months before being diagnosed with CD, what drove me over the edge to try and take my own life one cold and bleak December night, and why smoking cannabis helped relieve my symptoms but soon turned into a serious drug addiction and a different lifestyle that wasnt me.
Ive learnt how to deal with the emotional side a lot better now, and whether you are a patient or a friend of a patient, please remember to stay positive. You will have bad days, but when the good days do come, live and enjoy them to the full. This is what keeps me going.
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My Name is Paul; I’ve suffered with Crohn’s Disease for 30 years. After losing my job, due to the Disease, I tried to get some voluntary work. But every were I tried to the door was slammed. This is when I decided to start writing and haven’t stopped since.