Tác giả: Paul Scott Derrick

Ủng hộ
Viorica Patea is Associate Professor of American Literature at the University of Salamanca, where she teaches American and English literature. Her published books include Entre el mito y la realidad: Aproximación a la obra poética de Sylvia Plath (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca 1989), a study on Whitman, La apología de Whitman a favor de la épica de la modernidad (Ediciones Universidad de León, 1999) and T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land (Cátedra: 2005). She has edited various collections of essays, such as Critical Essays on the Myth of the American Adam (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2001) and, together with Paul Scott Derrick, Modernism Revisited: Transgressing Boundaries and Strategies of Renewal in American Poetry (Rodopi 2007). Her most recent publication is a collection of essays, Short Story Theories: A Twenty-First-Century Perspective (Rodopi 2012), which received the Javier Coy Research Award for the best edited book (2013) from the Spanish Association of American Studies. Her research interests include comparative studies in witness literature of East European countries. In collaboration with Fernando Sánchez Miret, she has translated from Romanian into Spanish the annotated edition of El diario de la felicidad by Nicolae Steinhardt (Sígueme 2007) and Proyectos de Pasado and Las Cuatro estaciones by Ana Blandiana (Periférica 2008, 2011). She is also co-translator, with Paul Scott Derrick, of Ana Blandiana”s My Native Land A4 (Bloodaxe Books, 2014) and The Sun of Hereafter / Ebb of the Senses (Bloodaxe Books, 2017).

12 Ebooks bởi Paul Scott Derrick

Ana Blandiana: The Sun of Hereafter • Ebb of the Senses
Ana Blandiana is one of Romania’s foremost poets, a leading dissident before the fall of Communism, and now her country’s strongest candidate for the Nobel Prize. A prominent opponent of the Ceausesc …
Paul Scott Derrick & Sean Rys: Managing The Manager
Poet Richard Berengarten has published over 25 books including poetry, translations and criticism since his first collection, The Easter Rising, appeared in 1968. His poetry has been translated into …
Ana Blandiana: Five Books
Ana Blandiana is one of Romania’s foremost poets, a leading dissident before the fall of Communism. Over the years, her poetry became symbolic of an ethical consciousness that refuses to be silenced …
Sarah Orne Jewett: La tierra de los abetos puntiagudos
La tierra de los abetos puntiagudos (1896) es la obra narrativa más conocida de la autora norteamericana Sarah Orne Jewett (1849-1909). Relata las vivencias de una escritora que pasa el verano en un …
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Paul Scott Derrick: We Stand before the Secret of the World: Traces along the Pathway of American Romanticism
Diez ensayos publicados con anterioridad que, en conjunto, tienen la finalidad de proporcionar un debate coherente de la filosofía antisistemática del trascendentalismo americano y la forma en que se …
Emily Dickinson: La poesía temprana de Emily Dickinson
Este es el segundo volumen de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es la traducción y lectura crítica de los cuarenta cuadernillos de Emily Dickinson, unas secuencias poéticas cortas que plantean una serie de p …
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Emily Dickinson: La poesía temprana de Emily Dickinson. Cuadernillos 4, 5 & 6
Este es el tercer volumen de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es la traducción y lectura crítica de los cuarenta cuadernillos de Emily Dickinson, secuencias poéticas cortas que plantean una serie de pregunt …
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Paul Scott Derrick & Maria-Lluisa Gea-Valor: Valencian Folktales
Enric Valor is one of the most important Valencian authors of the 20th century. This selection of his highly popular rondalles (folk tales) will for the first time introduce his work to an English-sp …
Paul Scott Derrick & Maria-Lluisa Gea-Valor: Valencian Folktales
Enric Valor is one of the most important Valencian authors of the 20th century. This selection of his highly popular rondalles (folk tales) will for the first time introduce his work to an English-sp …
Paul Scott Derrick & Maria-Lluisa Gea-Valor: Valencian Folktales, Volume 2
Enric Valor (1911-2000) is one of the most important Valencian authors of the 20th century. He has been, until now, almost completely unknown to an English-speaking audience. Following the publicatio …
Paul Scott Derrick & Maria-Lluisa Gea-Valor: Valencian Folktales, Volume 2
Enric Valor (1911-2000) is one of the most important Valencian authors of the 20th century. He has been, until now, almost completely unknown to an English-speaking audience. Following the publicatio …
Ana Blandiana: The Shadow of Words
Ana Blandiana is one of Romania’s foremost poets, a leading dissident before the fall of Communism, and now one of her country’s strongest candidates for the Nobel Prize. A prominent opponent of the …