19 Ebooks bởi Paul Valent
Paul Valent: Child Survivors of the Holocaust
At the end of the Second World War approximately 1.5 million Jewish children had been killed by the Nazis. In this book, ten child survivors tell their stories. Paul Valent, himself a child survivor …
Paul Valent: Child Survivors of the Holocaust
At the end of the Second World War approximately 1.5 million Jewish children had been killed by the Nazis. In this book, ten child survivors tell their stories. Paul Valent, himself a child survivor …
Paul Valent: Trauma and Fulfillment Therapy: A Wholist Framework
Trauma results in a wide variety of human unhappiness. In parallel, treatment of the consequences of trauma ranges from drugs, to single session psychological techniques, to management and cognitive …
Paul Valent: Trauma and Fulfillment Therapy: A Wholist Framework
Trauma results in a wide variety of human unhappiness. In parallel, treatment of the consequences of trauma ranges from drugs, to single session psychological techniques, to management and cognitive …
Paul Valent: From Survival to Fulfilment
First published in 1998. Paul Valent sees that the dialectic is not between "life and death" but between "life and trauma". This text theorizes that the big issues of life can now …
Paul Valent: From Survival to Fulfilment
First published in 1998. Paul Valent sees that the dialectic is not between "life and death" but between "life and trauma". This text theorizes that the big issues of life can now …
Juan Moisés De La Serna & Paul Valent: Estrés Y Trauma En Tiempos De Pandemia
La gente suele decir que esta pandemia de COVID-19 no tiene precedentes, sin embargo, tiene similitudes con otras pandemias, incluso otras enfermedades y otras tensiones y traumas. Cada situación de …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Juan Moisés De La Serna & Paul Valent: Stress And Trauma In Pandemic Times
People frequently say that the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. Yet from a bird’s eye point of view it has similarities with other pandemics, even other illnesses, and with other stresses and trau …
Juan Moisés De La Serna & Paul Valent: Trauma E Estresse Em Tempos De Pandemia
Frequentemente, as pessoas dizem que a pandemia de COVID-19 não tem precedentes. No entanto, de modo geral, ela tem semelhanças com outras pandemias, com outras doenças e com outros estresses e traum …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Juan Moisés De La Serna & Paul Valent: Stres Dan Trauma Di Masa Pandemi
Banyak orang mengatakan bahwa pandemi COVID-19 belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Namun dilihat dari sudut pandang luas, penyakit ini memiliki kemiripan dengan pandemi lain, bahkan penyakit lain, dan d …
tiếng Indonesia
Juan Moisés De La Serna & Paul Valent: Stress E Trauma In Tempi Di Pandemia
Le persone spesso dicono che questa pandemia COVID-19 non ha precedenti, ma ha somiglianze con altre pandemie, comprese altre malattie e altri stress e traumi. Ogni situazione di stress e trauma illu …
tiếng Ý
Juan Moisés De La Serna & Paul Valent: Цар Тахлын Үе Дэх Стресс Ба Цочрол
Хүмүүс COVID-19 цар тахлыг урьд өмнө нь гарч байгаагүй өвчин гэж ярьдаг. Гэсэн хэдий ч ерөнхийд нь харвал бусад цар тахлын өвчин, стресс, цочрол гэмтэлтэй төстэй шинж чанартай байна. Үнэндээ стресс, …
Juan Moisés de la Serna & Paul Valent: Stressrelevante Und Traumabedingte Empfindungen In Pandemiezeiten
Die Leute sagen häufig, dass die COVID-19-Pandemie beispiellos ist. Aus der Vogelperspektive hat die jedoch Ähnlichkeiten mit anderen Pandemien, sogar mit anderen Krankheiten und mit anderen Belastun …
tiếng Đức
Juan Moisés De La Serna & Paul Valent: Stress En Trauma In Tijden Van Pandemie
Er wordt vaak beweerd dat de COVID-19 pandemie zonder precedent is. Maar vanuit vogelperspectief vertoont zij overeenkomsten met andere pandemieën, zelfs met andere ziekten, en met andere stresssitua …
tiếng Hà Lan
Paul Valent: La Salute Mentale Ai Tempi Della Pandemia
Il libro descrive le conseguenze sulla salute mentale della pandemia COVID-19, come capirle e come affrontarle Il 2020 sarà sempre ricordato come l’anno della pandemia da COVID-19. I numeri degli inf …
tiếng Ý
Paul Valent: Saúde Mental Em Tempos De Pandemia
O livro descreve as consequências para a saúde mental da pandemia COVID-19, como entendê-las e como lidar com elas 2020 será sempre lembrado como o ano da pandemia COVID-19. Os números de infectados …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Paul Valent: La Salud Mental En Tiempos De La Pandemia
El libro describe las consecuencias de la pandemia de la COVID-19 sobre la salud mental, cómo entenderlas y cómo lidiar con ellas. El 2020 siempre será recordado como el año de la pandemia de la COVI …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Juan Moisés De La Serna & Paul Valent: Στρες Και Τραύμα Σε Καιρό Πανδημίας
Οι άνθρωποι λένε συχνά πως η πανδημία COVID-19 είναι πρωτοφανής. Εντούτοις, φέρει ομοιότητες με άλλες πανδημίες, ακόμη και με άλλες ασθένειες όσο και με ψυχοπιεστικές ή τραυματικές καταστάσεις. Πράγμ …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Juan Moisés De La Serna & Paul Valent: Stres I Trauma U Vrijeme Pandemije
Ljudi često kažu da je COVID-19 pandemija bez presedana. Ipak, ako malo bolje sagledamo stvari, ona ima sličnosti s drugim pandemijama, čak i s drugim bolestima i s drugim stresovima i traumama. Zapr …