90 Ebooks bởi Peter Hollins
Peter Hollins: Painless Mental Math
Stop fearing math – tips and tricks to ditch the calculator and never make embarrassing errors again. Mental math is not as hard as you think it is. Well, the way you’ve been doing it is probably pre …
Peter Hollins: Legendary Self-Discipline
Fight temptation, tame your impulses, and learn to persevere. We know we should use self-discipline, just like we know we should budget more wisely, or eat more healthy. But just because we know abou …
Peter Hollins: The Science of Introverts
Discover the hidden causes behind your behaviors and habits. Stop trying to impersonate someone you’re not. We use the terms introvert and extrovert constantly. We use them to label ourselves and eve …
Peter Hollins: The Science of Self-Learning
How to learn effectively when you have to be both the teacher and student. Work smarter and save yourself countless hours. Self-learning is not just about performing better in the classroom or the of …
Peter Hollins: Mental Models
30 Practical and applicable guidelines to think smarter, faster, and with expert insight (even if you aren’t one). Mental models are like giving a treasure map to someone lost in the woods. They prov …
Peter Hollins: Think Like Sherlock
Instantly have flashes of genius, solve mysteries, read people’s minds, and size up situations. Well, sort of… Sherlock Holmes, famous detective of 221 Baker Street, is one of literature’s most bel …
Peter Hollins: The Science of Self-Discipline
Your best intentions are not enough. Learn to scientifically engineer a disciplined life, become relentless, and never give up . Whatever you want in your life, self-discipline is the missing piece. …
Peter Hollins: Finish What You Start
Practical tactics to grow your willpower, stop procrastination, focus like a laser, and achieve whatever you set your mind to. Following through and finishing what you start- more valuable skills tha …
Peter Hollins: The Science of Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone
Don’t let life pass you by. Reject judgment, bypass your fears, and design a life of adventure. Your comfort zone provides the safety and security of being tucked into bed. But in that safety, you ac …
Peter Hollins: Mental Models: 16 Versatile Thinking Tools for Complex Situations: Better Decisions, Clearer Thinking, and Greater Self-Awareness
16 simple yet versatile thinking models to solve problems, make decisions, and engineer insight. Mental models are like giving a treasure map to someone lost in the woods. They provide instant unders …
Peter Hollins: Neuro-Discipline
Control your brain so it doesn’t control you. A science-based approach to getting things done and avoiding laziness and procrastination. Our brains are not wired for goal achievement. They are wired …
Peter Hollins: Think Like Einstein
Develop clarity of thought. Avoid analysis paralysis. Make better decisions. Gain the mental edge on anyone and never miss a beat. Clear and effective thinking clashes with most of our instincts and …
Peter Hollins: Accelerated Learning for Expertise
A deconstruction of the elements of expertise, and practical step-by-step methods to reach it ASAP. Expertise – we all want it, and traditionally it would take years of intense study and practice. Bu …
Peter Hollins: The Brain Boost Blueprint
Sorry, you can’t actually “train your brain.” But you can force it to adapt, grow, and perform to it’s full potential. The brain is the seat of our consciousness, identity, and higher thoughts. But i …
Peter Hollins: Neuro-Learning
Work with your brain, not against it. Use neuroscience foundations to learn better, faster, and stronger. All our lives, we’ve been taught ways to learn that are utterly ineffective and ignorant as t …
Peter Hollins: Endless Energy
All of your best intentions will fail without the energy to execute them. Become more energetic: biologically and psychologically. Want to create new habits? Become more disciplined? Change your life …
Peter Hollins: La ciencia de la autodisciplina
Tus mejores intenciones no son suficientes. Aprende a diseñar científicamente una vida disciplinada, sé implacable y nunca te des por vencido. Sea lo que sea que quieras en tu vida, la autodisciplina …
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Peter Hollins: Build Rapid Expertise
A deconstruction of the elements of expertise, and practical step-by-step methods to reach it ASAP. Expertise – we all want it, and traditionally it would take years of intense study and practice. Bu …
Peter Hollins: Rapid Idea Generation
How to systematically engineer creativity from nothing and unleash your inner ingenuity. Creative thinking is surrounded by so much mystique and myth. It’s time to cut through the static and learn ho …
Peter Hollins: Brain Blunders
We defy common sense and good judgment on a daily basis. Learn to tame your stupid brain. We reason poorly, think incorrectly, and overlook the truth every single day. We can’t be perfect, but at lea …
Peter Hollins: Build a Better Brain
Neuroscience made simple: practical methods to rewire your brain and take control of your thoughts, actions, and inner voice. Despite our best efforts, most of the time, we act without thinking. We m …
Peter Hollins: The Art of Intentional Thinking (Second Edition)
Your mental models and mindsets will determine your life. Harness and control them to achieve the impossible. All we can control in this life is our thoughts, which lead to perception and action. If …
Peter Hollins: Think Like da Vinci
How to systematically engineer creativity from nothing and unleash your inner ingenuity . Creative thinking is surrounded by so much mystique and myth. It’s time to cut through the static and learn h …
Peter Hollins: Psychological Triggers
Understand, avoid, and defeat the subconscious causes of your irrational and self-defeating behaviors. It’s only human nature. A psychological trigger is something that causes us to act out of urgenc …
Peter Hollins: The Science of Accelerated Learning
Make learning: painless, exciting, habitual, and self-motivating. Absorb info like a human sponge . We’ve never been taught how to learn, and that’s a shame. This book is the key to reversing all the …
Peter Hollins: Mind Over Matter
Stop self-defeating behaviors and act with intention. You’ll thank yourself later. What you receive in life is dictated by your self-discipline. The more you have, the more you get. Will you settle f …
Peter Hollins: The Science of Intelligent Decision Making
Overwhelmed and paralyzed by your choices? Learn how to get it right the first time – improve your analysis, judgment, and intuition. Unfortunately, you can’t just rely on your gut instinct or “hunch …
Peter Hollins: Think With Intention
Whatever you think is whatever will happen. Harness your thoughts and control your mindset to achieve what you want. We can’t control other people; we can’t control much of the external world. But we …
Peter Hollins: The Science of Rapid Skill Acquisition
Scientific Methods to accelerate your learning to save time, beat competition, and get from Point A to Point B at the speed of light. Learning is the key to bettering your circumstances and becoming …
Peter Hollins: The Self-Learning Blueprint
An approach to instantly make sense of a topic when learning from scratch and teaching yourself. Embarking on anything new is daunting and scary. That’s why you need a blueprint to point you in the r …
Peter Hollins: The Science of Being Lucky
Practical, real life methods to become the luckiest person you know with – no lucky charms or rituals needed to beat the odds. Luck – we’re not sure what it is, but we know we want it on our side. Is …
Peter Hollins: The Science of Powerful Focus
Overhaul your approach to concentration and productivity using strategic, science-proven methods to save hours a day and achieve twice as much. Your current focus and productivity tactics might be “a …
Peter Hollins: Practical Self-Discipline
A true guide for procrastinators, slackers, couch potatoes, and those who get what they want right now, instead of what they want the most. Want to get somewhere worth going? It’s not going to be eas …
Peter Hollins: Polymath: Master Multiple Disciplines, Learn New Skills, Think Flexibly, and Become Extraordinary Autodidact
Expertise pays; polymathy pays exponentially. Build a world-class skillset that will make you unique and irreplaceable. Polymath: a person of wide knowledge and learning. The art of becoming a polyma …
Peter Hollins: Rapid Knowledge Acquisition & Synthesis
From novice to expert: tools and techniques to make your learning faster, deeper, and stronger. Time to master the most important meta-skill of all: learning. Too bad you didn’t have this book years …
Peter Hollins: Philosophies on Self-Discipline: Lessons from History’s Greatest Thinkers on How to Start, Endure, Finish, & Achieve
8 meditations on goal achievement and getting things done no matter the circumstances. Instead of trying to go it alone or wing it, apply lessons from some of history’s greatest thinkers. Harness tho …
Peter Hollins: Learn Like a Polymath
Polymathy is the modern currency. Generate unique solutions and perspectives that only a dedicated self-learner can. A jack of all trades is not actually a bad thing. It’s the best way to future-proo …
Peter Hollins: Psychological Triggers
Understand, avoid, and defeat the subconscious causes of your irrational and self-defeating behaviors. It’s only human nature. A psychological trigger is something that causes us to act out of urgenc …
Peter Hollins: Neuro-Habits
Small daily acts to change your brain chemistry and structure — so you can be in control at all times. Sometimes it feels like we are living out lives on autopilot, powerless to change what we are d …
Peter Hollins: 30 Days to Self-Discipline
A true guide for procrastinators, slackers, couch potatoes. In 30 days, you won’t be one anymore! Want to get somewhere worth going? It’s not going to be easy, and it’s not going to be comfortable. T …
Peter Hollins: How to Teach Anything
Science-based methods for the most comprehension and retention. Teach more in less time. There is a reason that education, teaching, and pedagogy are all areas of intense research and study. They are …
Peter Hollins: Super Learning
Make learning: painless, exciting, habitual, and self-motivating. Absorb info like a human sponge. We’ve never been taught how to learn, and that’s a shame. This book is the key to reversing all the …
Peter Hollins: Think Like a Genius
Learn from some of the greatest thinkers in history. Study their patterns and stand on the shoulders of giants. How does one think like a genius? Is there a set definition for this? Well, no. But if …
Peter Hollins: Speed Read Anything
A few simple changes to tripling your current reading speed. Imagine how much time you could save. We all material we need to read. Enjoyable or not, we still need to get through it. What if you coul …
Peter Hollins: How to Teach Kids Anything
Get children motivated and hungry to learn. Teach more in less time. There is a reason that education, teaching, and pedagogy are all areas of intense research and study. Especially for kids, they ar …
Peter Hollins: Polymath
Expertise zahlt sich aus; Polymathie zahlt sich exponentiell aus. Bauen Sie ein erstklassiges Skillset auf, das Sie einzigartig und unersetzlich macht. Polymath: eine Person mit breitem Wissen und Le …
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Peter Hollins: Polimatía
La experiencia paga, pero la polimatía paga exponencialmente más. Aprende a desarrollar un conjunto de habilidades de calidad superior que te harán único e insustituible. La polimatía es el arte de m …
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Peter Hollins: Cómo terminar lo que empiezas
Estrategias prácticas para tener más fuerza de voluntad, vencer la procrastinación, desarrollar una mayor capacidad de concentración y lograr cualquier iniciativa que te propongas. Perseverar y termi …
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Peter Hollins: The Art of Strategic Decision-Making
Overwhelmed and paralyzed by your choices? Learn how to get it right the first time – improve your analysis, judgment, and intuition. Unfortunately, you can’t just rely on your gut instinct or “hunch …
Peter Hollins: The Power of Self-Discipline
Stop self-defeating behaviors and act with intention. You’ll thank yourself later. What you receive in life is dictated by your self-discipline. The more you have, the more you get. Will you settle f …
Peter Hollins: The Study Skills Handbook
Studying and learning don’t have to be chores that you dread. Discover how to make the process fun, easy, and successful. Studying and learning, especially in the rigid confines of school, can be tou …
Peter Hollins: Have More Energy
All of your best intentions will fail without the energy to execute them. Become more energetic: biologically and psychologically. Want to create new habits? Become more disciplined? Change your life …
Peter Hollins: 41 Self-Discipline Habits
Stop self-defeating behaviors and act with intention. You’ll thank yourself later. What you receive in life is dictated by your self-discipline. The more you have, the more you get. Will you settle f …
Peter Hollins: ACE Your Exams, Tests, & Quizzes
Get inside a test creator’s head and give them exactly what they want for top grades. How to truly excel in school. Test performance is not really about intelligence. It’s actually about your prepara …
Peter Hollins: Super Brain
Practical methods to fully utilize your brain. Learn how it works and you can harness it to the fullest! This is a book about practical neuroscience. That means that while it is scientifically-based, …
Peter Hollins: Build Rapid Expertise
A deconstruction of the elements of expertise, and practical step-by-step methods to reach it ASAP. Expertise – we all want it, and traditionally it would take years of intense study and practice. Bu …
Peter Hollins: Old-School Grit
How to accomplish your goals, no matter the obstacle. King Leonidas could repel 100, 000 Persians – you can exercise more and eat more healthy. There are many ways to live, but the tried-and-true way …
Peter Hollins: How to Self-Learn
Learn effectively when you have to be both the teacher and student. How to learn smart. Self-learning is not just about performing better in the classroom or the office. It’s about being able to aim …
Peter Hollins: The Self-Discipline Manual
How to truly live a MIND OVER MATTER life. Most people can’t accomplish what they want. They let themselves underachieve, and don’t have the energy to do better. But you are different. You will learn …
Peter Hollins: Modelos mentales
30 directrices prácticas y aplicables para pensar con más inteligencia, velocidad y experiencia (incluso si eres un neófito en la materia). Los modelos mentales son como entregarle un mapa del tesoro …
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Peter Hollins: La ciencia del autoaprendizaje
No alcanza con tener buenas intenciones. Aprende a llevar una vida disciplinada con rigor científico, sé implacable y nunca te rindas. Para lo que sea que quieras en tu vida, necesitas de la autodisc …
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Peter Hollins: Lectura rápida
Un par de sencillos consejos para triplicar tu velocidad de lectura actual. Imagina cuánto tiempo podrías ahorrar. Todos tenemos material por leer. Nos agrade o no, tenemos que ocuparnos de ello. ¿Qu …
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Peter Hollins: Alles schnell lesen
Mit ein paar einfachen Änderungen können Sie Ihre aktuelle Lesegeschwindigkeit verdreifachen. Stellen Sie sich vor, wie viel Zeit Sie dadurch sparen könnten. Wir alle haben Material, das wir lesen mü …
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Peter Hollins: Denken wie ein Genie
Lernen Sie von einigen der größten Denker der Geschichte. Studieren Sie ihre Verhaltensmuster und schauen Sie Giganten über die Schulter. Wie kann man wie ein Genie denken? Gibt es dafür eine feste D …
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Peter Hollins: Super Lernen
Machen Sie das Lernen: schmerzfrei, aufregend, zur Gewohnheit und motivierend. Nehmen Sie Informationen auf wie ein menschlicher Schwamm. Uns wurde nie beigebracht, wie man lernt, und das ist eine Sc …
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Peter Hollins: Die Wissenschaft der Selbstdisziplin
Was auch immer Sie in Ihrem Leben wollen, Selbstdisziplin ist das fehlende Puzzleteil. Ziele werden immer nur Träume bleiben, wenn Sie den Fehler machen, sich auf Motivation und Ihre besten Pläne zu …
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Peter Hollins: Cómo enseñar cualquier cosa
Métodos basados en la ciencia para la mayor comprensión y retención. Enseña más en menos tiempo. Hay una razón por la que la educación, la enseñanza y la pedagogía son áreas de intensa investigación …
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Peter Hollins: Wie man erfolgreich lehrt
Wissenschaftsbasierte Methoden für bestes Verständnis und Behalten. Mehr lehren in weniger Zeit. Es gibt einen Grund dafür, dass Bildung, Unterricht und Pädagogik Bereiche sind, die intensiv erforsch …
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Peter Hollins: Piensa como un genio
Aprende de algunos de los pensadores más prominentes de la historia. Estudia sus patrones y avanza a hombros de gigantes. ¿Cómo podemos pensar como un genio? ¿Existe una forma establecida para ello? …
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Peter Hollins: Súper aprendizaje
Haz que el aprendizaje sea: sencillo, emocionante, habitual y automotivador. ¡Absorbe información como una esponja humana! Nunca se nos ha enseñado cómo aprender y eso es una pena. Este libro es a cl …
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Peter Hollins: How to Suffer Well
Your capacity to handle suffering determines where you get in life. How do you want to live? Life is tough, so you better get a helmet. Life is not a walk in the park. You’ll run into pain, anguish, …
Peter Hollins: Mentale Modelle
Mentale Modelle sind so, als würde man jemandem eine Schatzkarte geben, der sich im Wald verirrt hat. Sie bieten ein sofortiges Verständnis, einen Kontext und, was am wichtigsten ist, einen Weg zum Z …
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Peter Hollins: Beende, was du anfängst
Praktische Taktiken, um Ihre Willenskraft zu stärken, Prokrastination zu stoppen, sich wie ein Laser zu fokussieren und alles zu erreichen, was Sie sich vornehmen. Etwa durchziehen und zu Ende bringe …
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Peter Hollins: Die Wissenschaft des Selbstlernens
Wie Sie effektiv lernen, wenn Sie sowohl Lehrer als auch Schüler sein müssen. Arbeiten Sie intelligenter und sparen Sie sich unzählige Stunden. Beim Selbststudium geht es nicht nur darum, bessere Lei …
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Peter Hollins: The Brain Mechanic
Sorry, you can’t actually “train your brain.” But you can force it to adapt, grow, and perform to it’s full potential. The brain is the seat of our consciousness, identity, and higher thoughts. But i …
Peter Hollins: The Lifelong Learner
Most of the learning in our lives happens outside of the classroom. This book prepares you for a lifetime of learning. In the classroom, a syllabus is provided and a structure is given. We know what …
Peter Hollins: Think Less; Do More
Practical and actionable tips to overcome a lack of motivation. Get into action on command! Hey, you can’t THINK and DO at the same time. I know which one I would want to do more of. What about you? …
Peter Hollins: Learn like Einstein
Wish you could learn and memorize more in less time? Stay focused, quit being frustrated, and absorb info like a human sponge? If you’re looking to (1) accelerate your l …
Peter Hollins: Richard Feynman’s Mental Models
How a kid with a broken radio became one of the world’s finest minds. Richard Feynman started by fixing broken radios, and ended up being most known for helping invent the atomic bomb. He is the epit …
Peter Hollins: Genius Thinking
Learn from some of the greatest thinkers in history. Study their patterns and stand on the shoulders of giants. How does one think like a genius? Is there a set definition for this? Well, no. But if …
Peter Hollins: How To Do Things You Hate
Doing things you hate is a skill. And it’s a skill that is always in high demand. Look, you can teach hard skills. You can teach a monkey to do lots of things that humans can do. But you can’t force …
Peter Hollins: The 80-20 Learner
Figure out what you need, focus on that, and ignore the rest. That’s the actual key to success in life. Learning can be OVERWHELMING. So much info, so little time. But what matters? What will actuall …
Peter Hollins: The Art of Practice
Discover why some people progress 100x faster than others, and how you can harness those secrets. Whatever you want to do or accomplish, there is always going to be a learning curve. The question is …
Peter Hollins: Leonardo da Vinci’s Mental Models
How a poor farmer boy from a small village became a name you still know hundreds of years after his death Leonardo da Vinci was searching for a way out of poverty when he started designing, tinkering …
Peter Hollins: Self-Discipline for Tedious, Boring, and Difficult Things
We don’t need self-discipline to eat ice cream. We need it for doing the tough things in our life! And unfortunately, the ability to persevere and do tough things will completely determine our lives. …
Peter Hollins: Become a Studying and Learning Machine
The best students, the top performers, the quickest learners – it’s not by luck. They know what they’re doing, and you can be like them too. We’ve never been taught how to learn. Yet learning is the …
Peter Hollins: Philosopher’s Mental Models
Learn directly from the world’s greatest minds…. sort of. Some of these lessons have endured from hundreds of years. Others, for thousands. Come sample time-tested wisdom and how to implement it in …
Peter Hollins: Happy Brain, Happy Life
Neuroscience made simple: practical methods to rewire your brain for happiness, fulfillment, and better decisions along the way. Much of the time, we are unhappy. We are not satisfied. We are sad or …
Peter Hollins: How to Trick Yourself Into Doing Things You Hate
Your rise in life is directly connected to doing things that you hate. It’s the necessary evil in life. Skills are easy to learn. But the ability to get things done, no matter how you feel and no mat …
Peter Hollins: Genius Mental Models
Learn from some of the greatest thinkers in history. Study their patterns and stand on the shoulders of giants. How does one think like a genius? Is there a set definition for this? Well, no. But if …