Rina Zazkis is a Professor at Simon Fraser University in the Faculty of Education and an Associate Member in the Department of Mathematics. Her research interests are in mathematics education at the undergraduate level and teacher education, focusing on the uses of mathematical knowledge in teaching. She conducted extensive research on teaching and learning of elementary Number Theory, which is summarized, in part, in her recent book Relearning mathematics: A challenge for prospective elementary school teachers, published by Information Age Publishing.
Nathalie Sinclair is an Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University in the Faculty of Education, an Associate Member in the Department of Mathematics, and a Canada Research Chair in Tangible Mathematics Learning. Her research interests focus on the use of expressive technologies in mathematics learning, with a growing attention to the primary school years, and on the role of aesthetics inmathematical thinking and learning. Recent books include Essential Understandings of Geometry (Grades 6-8 as well as 9-12), published by the NCTM and Mathematics and Beauty: Aesthetic approaches to teaching children, published by Teachers College Press.
Peter Liljedahl is Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University in the Faculty of Education and an Associate Member in the department of Mathematics. His research interests include instances of creativity, insight, and discovery in mathematics teaching and learning; mathematics and affect; professional growth of teachers; numeracy, and instructional design. He is a former high school mathematics teacher, who has kept his research interest and activities close to the classroom. He consults regularly with schools, school districts, and ministries of education on issues of teaching and learning, assessment and numeracy.
18 Ebooks bởi Peter Liljedahl
Rina Zazkis & Nathalie Sinclair: Lesson Play in Mathematics Education:
Lesson play is a novel construct in research and teachers’ professional development in mathematics education. Lesson play refers to a lesson or part of a lesson presented in dialogue form—inspired in …
Peter Liljedahl & Manuel Santos-Trigo: Mathematical Problem Solving
This book contributes to the field of mathematical problem solving by exploring current themes, trends and research perspectives. It does so by addressing five broad and related dimensions: problem s …
Regina Bruder & Peter Liljedahl: Problem Solving in Mathematics Education
This survey book reviews four interrelated areas: (i) the relevance of heuristics in problem-solving approaches – why they are important and what research tells us about their use; (ii) the need to c …
Chiara Andrà & Domenico Brunetto: Teaching and Learning in Maths Classrooms
The book presents a selection of the most relevant talks given at the 21st MAVI conference, held at the Politecnico di Milano. The first section is dedicated to classroom practices and beliefs regard …
Egan J Chernoff & Sean Chorney: Selected writings from the Journal of the British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers
The teaching and learning of mathematics in British Columbia has a long and storied history. An integral part of the past 50 years (1962-2012) of this history has been Vector: Journal of the British …
Patricio Felmer & Peter Liljedahl: Problem Solving in Mathematics Instruction and Teacher Professional Development
Recent research in problem solving has shifted its focus to actual classroom implementation and what is really going on during problem solving when it is used regularly in classroom. This book seeks …
Peter Liljedahl: Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12
A thinking student is an engaged student Teachers often find it difficult to implement lessons that help students go beyond rote memorization and repetitive calculations. In fact, institutional norms …
Peter Liljedahl: Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12
A thinking student is an engaged student Teachers often find it difficult to implement lessons that help students go beyond rote memorization and repetitive calculations. In fact, institutional norms …
Peter Liljedahl: Modifying Your Thinking Classroom for Different Settings
Keep thinking…keep learning in different settings In Peter Liljedahl’s bestselling Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics: 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning, readers discovered t …
Peter Liljedahl: Modifying Your Thinking Classroom for Different Settings
Keep thinking…keep learning in different settings In Peter Liljedahl’s bestselling Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics: 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning, readers discovered t …
Peter Liljedahl: Modifying Your Thinking Classroom for Different Settings
Keep thinking…keep learning in different settings In Peter Liljedahl’s bestselling Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics: 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning, readers discovered that …
Peter Liljedahl: Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12
A thinking student is an engaged student Teachers often find it difficult to implement lessons that help students go beyond rote memorization and repetitive calculations. In fact, institutional norms …
Scott A. Chamberlin & Peter Liljedahl: Mathematical Creativity
This book is important and makes a unique contribution in the field of mathematics education and creativity. The book comprises the most recent research by renowned international experts and scholars …
Maegan Giroux & Peter Liljedahl: Mathematics Tasks for the Thinking Classroom, Grades K-5
Practical and proven math tasks to maximize student thinking and learning Building upon the blockbuster success of Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Peter Liljedahl has joined forces with …
Maegan Giroux & Peter Liljedahl: Mathematics Tasks for the Thinking Classroom, Grades K-5
Practical and proven math tasks to maximize student thinking and learning Building upon the blockbuster success of Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Peter Liljedahl has joined forces with …
Maegan Giroux & Peter Liljedahl: Mathematics Tasks for the Thinking Classroom, Grades K-5
Practical and proven math tasks to maximize student thinking and learning Building upon the blockbuster success of Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Peter Liljedahl has joined forces with …
Peter Liljedahl: Diseñando aulas para pensar en matemáticas
A los profesores a menudo les resulta difícil implementar lecciones que ayuden a los estudiantes a ir más allá de la memorización y los cálculos repetitivos. De hecho, las normas y hábitos institucio …
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Gregorio Morales Ordóñez & José Ignacio Úbeda García: Problemas para pensar en matemáticas 1
El diseño de un Aula para Pensar confronta al profesor con ciertos retos e inquietudes: qué problemas proponer, cómo secuenciarlos, cómo gestionar el aula, qué preguntas hacer y cuáles responder… Y, …
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