Tác giả: Peter Lipp

Ủng hộ
Lars Kaestner PhD, is principal investigator at Theoretical Medicine and Biosciences, Saarland University, Homburg, and Experimental Physics, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. He studies basic cellular mechanisms of the circulation (heart and red blood cells) using newest imaging methodsPeter Lipp is Professor and Head of the Institute for Molecular Cell Biology, Saarland University, in Homburg, Germany. The main focus of his institute lies on studying basic cellular mechanisms of the heart in its clinical context, with the aim to develop new therapies and treatment strategies.

5 Ebooks bởi Peter Lipp

Lars Kaestner & Peter Lipp: Microscopy of the Heart
This book provides in depths information on different microscopy approaches and supplies the reader with methods how to untangle highly complex processes involved in physiological and pathophysiologi …
Roderick Bloem & Peter Lipp: Trusted Systems
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Trusted Systems, INTRUST 2013, held in Graz, Austria, in December 2013. The revised full pa …
Sabine Kirchhoff & Sonja Kuhnt: Der Fragebogen
Es gibt Dinge, die muss man nicht lernen, die kann man eben: Sehen, hören, sprechen, einen Fragebogen formulieren . . . . Weil wir beim mündlichen Befragen glauben der Wahrheit früher oder später auf …
tiếng Đức
Sabine Kirchhoff & Sonja Kuhnt: Der Fragebogen
Es gibt Dinge, die muss man nicht lernen, die kann man eben: Sehen, hören, sprechen, einen Fragebogen formulieren . . . Weil wir beim mündlichen Befragen glauben der Wahrheit früher oder später auf d …
tiếng Đức
Klaus-Michael Koch & Peter Lipp: Trusted Computing – Challenges and Applications
This volume contains papers presented at TRUST 2008, the ?rst international conference on Trusted Computing and Trust in Information Technologies, held in March 2008 in Villach, Austria. The aim of t …