Electronics and Computer Acronyms presents a list of almost 2, 500 acronyms related to electronics and computers. The material for this book is drawn from a number of subject areas, including electrical, electronics, computers, telecommunications, fiber optics, microcomputers/microprocessors, audio, video, and information technology. The acronyms also encompass avionics, military, data processing, instrumentation, units, measurement, standards, services, organizations, association...
Electronics and Computer Acronyms presents a list of almost 2, 500 acronyms related to electronics and computers. The material for this book is drawn from a number of subject areas, including electrical, electronics, computers, telecommunications, fiber optics, microcomputers/microprocessors, audio, video, and information technology. The acronyms also encompass avionics, military, data processing, instrumentation, units, measurement, standards, services, organizations, associations, and companies. This dictionary offers a comprehensive and broad view of electronics and all that is associated with it. Cross-references are provided in the form of abbreviations within parentheses. For example, the entry for CCD, charge-coupled device, provides three cross-references: charge-transfer device (CTD), metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS), and capacitor (C, 6). To broaden further the explanation, if required, referral to entries CTD, MOS, and C part 6 (C is a multiple entry with 10 parts) is advised. The system of prefixes and units used in the Systeme International d’Unites is followed throughout the book. This monograph is intended for students, engineers, and technicians as well as those with an interest in computers and electronics.