Tác giả: Philip Graham Ryken

Ủng hộ
R. C. Sproul (1939–2017) was founder of Ligonier Ministries, an international Christian discipleship organization located near Orlando, Florida. He was also first minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida; first president of Reformation Bible College; and executive editor of Tabletalk magazine. His radio program, Renewing Your Mind, is still broadcast daily on hundreds of radio stations around the world and can also be heard online. Sproul contributed dozens of articles to national evangelical publications, spoke at conferences, churches, colleges, and seminaries around the world, and wrote more than one hundred books, including The Holiness of God; Chosen by God; and Everyone’s a Theologian. He also served as general editor of the Reformation Study Bible.

37 Ebooks bởi Philip Graham Ryken

James Montgomery Boice & Philip Graham Ryken: The Doctrines of Grace
There is no question that we live in an age of weak theology and casual Christianity. We have substituted intuition for truth, feeling for belief and immediate gratification for enduring hope. Evange …
Philip Graham Ryken & Michael LeFebvre: Our Triune God
How are we to relate to a three-personed God? The idea of the Trinity may initially seem too abstract to understand, but the truth is that a deeper knowledge of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ha …
Philip Graham Ryken: The Prayer of Our Lord
The Lord's Prayer, the greatest prayer in the Bible, comes from the heart of the Savior, the Son of God, to his Heavenly Father. It is proclaimed at celebrations, cried in times of war, whispere …
Philip Graham Ryken: King Solomon
Though the world’s wisest king, Solomon’s heart was led astray by temptations of wealth, sex, and power. And we face the same dangers today, though the temptations may be different in degree and deta …
Jeffry C. Davis & Philip Graham Ryken: Liberal Arts for the Christian Life
For over forty years, Leland Ryken has championed and modeled a Christian liberal arts education. His scholarship and commitment to integrating faith with learning in the classroom have influenced th …
Philip Graham Ryken: Loving Jesus More
Do you love Jesus more than your spouse? Your reputation? Your kids? Your health? Your job? Your money? As Christians, we’re called to love Jesus more than anyone or anything else. But do we really d …
Philip Graham Ryken: Christian Worldview
Everything we do, say, and think reflects our fundamental worldview. Whether we realize it or not, basic beliefs about God, man, good and evil, history, and the future inevitably shape how we view an …
Philip Graham Ryken: Exodus (ESV Edition)
In this expository commentary on the book of Exodus, Philip Graham Ryken mines the story of Israel’s escape from Egypt for knowledge of God’s character and instruction for his followers. Theologicall …
Philip Graham Ryken: Jeremiah and Lamentations (ESV Edition)
The prophet Jeremiah is a supreme example of how believers can live well in a society that has turned against God. While the book of Jeremiah chronicles the last, desperate days of Jerusalem before i …
Philip Graham Ryken: The Love of Loves in the Song of Songs
We live in a world where sexuality is ruined by sin, its beauty obscured by our brokenness. We need a divine vision for the way love was meant to be, with a gospel that offers forgiveness for sin and …
Philip Graham Ryken: City on a Hill
We are now living in post-Christian times, when Christianity no longer is the prevailing influence on the mind and heart of our culture. But we cannot compromise. More than ever before, it is imperat …
Philip Graham Ryken: ¿Cómo es el verdadero calvinista?
El lema personal de Juan Calvino fue: ‘Te ofrezco a Tí mi corazón, Oh Dios, pronto y sinceramente’. El pastor Ryken explica maravillosamente el sentido de este lema, pues describe el calvinismo verda …
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Philip Graham Ryken & Stephen E. Smallman: Série Fé Reformada – volume 1
A Série Fé Reformada apresenta aos leitores as distinções da Teologia Reformada. Teologia Reformada para o gasto. Este volume responde cinco questões: O que é um calvinista de verdade? O que é uma Ig …
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John D. Hannah & Philip Graham Ryken: Série Fé Reformada – volume 2
A Série Fé Reformada apresenta aos leitores as distinções da Teologia Reformada. Teologia Reformada para o gasto. O volume 2 responde quatro questões: Como glorificamos a Deus? O que é cosmovisão cri …
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Philip Graham Ryken: Estudos bíblicos expositivos em Jeremias e Lamentações
O presente volume explica as implicações de Jeremias e de Lamentações para o cristianismo prático. É um comentário expositivo, o que significa (entre outras coisas) que aplica a verdade bíblica à vid …
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Philip Graham Ryken: Cosmovisão cristã
O conflito entre cosmovisões convida os cristãos a um engajamento cultural consciente. Numa sociedade cada vez mais secularizada, os seguidores de Cristo muitas vezes têm suas ideias na linha de fogo …
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Philip Graham Ryken: Estudos bíblicos expositivos em 1Reis
Davi, Salomão, Elias: a história contada em 1Reis é repleta de grandes heróis de Israel, homens de coragem e carisma com muitas fragilidades e uma necessidade constante de graça. Mas também não falta …
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Philip Graham Ryken: Deus nas histórias da Bíblia
Para amar alguém de verdade, você precisa conhecê-lo. E para amar verdadeiramente a Deus, devemos conhecê-lo também. Não apenas saiba que ele existe, mas saiba quem e como ele é. Esse estudo do carát …
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Philip Graham Ryken: Estudos bíblicos expositivos em 1Timóteo
A exposição bíblica que deu ensejo a este livro foi originalmente pregada durante os cultos de domingo à noite ao longo dos primeiros anos do meu ministério pastoral na Tenth Presbyterian Church da F …
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Philip Graham Ryken: Estudos bíblicos expositivos em Êxodo – vol. 1
Nestes estudos expositivos sobre o livro de Êxodo, Philip Graham Ryken explora a história da fuga de Israel do Egito para o conhecimento do caráter e instrução de Deus para seus seguidores. Teologica …
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Stephen E. Smallman & George W. Robertson: Série Fé Reformada – volume 4
A Série Fé Reformada apresenta aos leitores as distinções da Teologia Reformada. Teologia Reformada para o gasto. O quarto volume da série responde cinco questões: O que é evangelização? O que é disc …
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Philip Graham Ryken : Estudos bíblicos expositivos em Gálatas
Gálatas é uma carta para fariseus em recuperação. Muitos fariseus que viveram durante e após o tempo de Cristo eram muito religiosos. Eram constantes em sua adoração, ortodoxos em sua teologia, e mor …
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Philip Graham Ryken: Estudos bíblicos expositivos em Eclesiastes
Ao aconselhar-nos a não depositar nossa esperança em prazeres terrenos e em tesouros mundanos, Eclesiastes nos ensina a depositar nossa esperança em Deus. O livro nos lembra também, especialmente em …
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Philip Graham Ryken: Estudos bíblicos expositivos em Êxodo – vol. 2
Nestes estudos expositivos sobre o livro de Êxodo, Philip Graham Ryken explora a história da fuga de Israel do Egito para o conhecimento do caráter e instrução de Deus para seus seguidores. Teologica …
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Andrew T. Abernethy & William R. Osborne: The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness
How should Christians read prophetic literature? Questions abound both in the academy and the church as to how to engage the prophets, particularly in light of the New Testament. The Gospel writers a …
Leland Ryken & Todd Wilson: Preach the Word
For more than forty years, pastor R. Kent Hughes has shared the gospel with thousands of people and raised the standard of expository preaching in North America and beyond. To celebrate his legacy an …
Philip Graham Ryken: Loving the Way Jesus Loves
Most people are familiar with the ‘love chapter’ of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, yet Phil Ryken has something fresh to say. Drawing on the life and ministry of Jesus to illustrate what love is and is …
Philip Graham Ryken: Grace Transforming
For those of us who are performance-oriented or for those who have long since thrown in the towel, a word about grace is in order. Within these pages are 9 key messages on the grace of God. These are …
Philip Graham Ryken: Kingdom, Come!
In this world of pain, regret, and brokenness, people regularly wonder about the future. Yet Christians find confidence in one secure truth: Jesus is coming back. Directing readers to this ultimate h …
John Piper & David Mathis: The Romantic Rationalist
‘We are far too easily pleased.’ C. S. Lewis stands as one of the most influential Christians of the twentieth century. His commitment to the life of the mind and the life of the heart is evident in …
D. A. Carson & Jeff Robinson Sr.: Coming Home
The Bible has a lot to say about Christ's return—it is mentioned more than three hundred times throughout the New Testament. We often downplay this doctrine because the precise details are debat …
Philip Graham Ryken: Beauty Is Your Destiny
An Examination of Beauty in the Christian Life from Philip Ryken  The world is full of beautiful things—the vibrancy of trees in fall, the joy of sitting around a table with family—but in our fallen …
Philip Graham Ryken: I Have My Doubts
10 Bible Stories of Faith and Doubt to Encourage Believers through Uncertainty  Will God do what he says he promises? Can we trust his intentions? Is he even good? Without guidance, these doubt-fille …
Tom Stoner: The Idea of a Christian School
Have you ever thought about the difference attending a Christian school might make for your child or grandchild? What really makes a Christian school different from public schools and other kinds of …
Philip Graham Ryken: Ecclesiastes
The book of Ecclesiastes is ‘about life, the way it really is, ‘ writes commentator Philip Ryken. Readers throughout the ages have been drawn to the way it honestly wrestles with the tedium of work, …
Crossway Publishers: Daily Strength
A 365-Day Devotional for Men, Perfect for Gift-Giving and Daily Reading Daily Strength, a year-long devotional, walks Christian men through Scripture passages that speak to their most pressing issues …
Thomas J. Sorkness: On to the Sanumás: S
On to the Sanumas is a firsthand account of Don and Barb Borgman’s forty-year effort and achievement to place the word of God into the hands of the Sanumas, a tribe of the Yanomami people of Brazil. …