Tác giả: Phillip Tomasso

Ủng hộ
Phillip Tomasso ist ein preisgekrönter Autor von vielen Romanen und Kurzgeschichten. Er arbeitet als Feuerwehr- und Notrufdispatcher. Der Vater von drei Kindern verbringt seine Freizeit mit seiner Familie, dem Schreiben und Gitarre spielen. Er arbeitet an seinem nächsten Roman.

57 Ebooks bởi Phillip Tomasso

Um die Einschaltquoten seiner TV-Show Catch & Release zu pushen, wird Fernsehstar und Extremfischer Rick Stone auf die Spur eines mysteriösen urzeitlichen Raubfisches in den Dschungel Indonesiens ges …
tiếng Đức
Phillip Tomasso: Tu Eliges
Despues de que la familia de un oficial de policia es tomada como rehen, se enfrenta a una eleccion mortal: uno de los miembros de su familia vivira y el otro morira. Debe tomar la decision, y el tie …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Phillip Tomasso: A Mulher Da Floresta
Em 1912, uma jovem garota é encontrada morta. Nos dias de hoje, os pais do jovem Jeremy envolveram-se num homicídio-suicídio. Logo depois, ele é internado num manicómio. Anos mais tarde, Jeremy faz d …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Phillip Tomasso: Você Escolhe
Após a família de um policial ser mantida como refém, ele encara uma decisão impossível: um membro de sua família vai viver, o outro vai morrer. Ele deve decidir, e seu tempo está acabando. Os deteti …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Phillip Tomasso: Wizard’s Rise
For over two hundred years, the Rye Empire outlawed the use of magic. Now, the empire has fallen and a new, sinister power is rising. Ambitious and corrupt, The Mountain King will stop at nothing to …
Phillip Tomasso: Wizard’s War
To stop the Mountain King, the realms across land and sea must unify. But time is not on their side. Mykal and his friends must warn King Nabal of the Mountain King’s invasion of Grey Ashland and the …
Phillip Tomasso: Woman In The Woods
In 1912, a young girl is found dead. In present day, young Jeremy’s parents are involved in a murder-suicide. Soon after, he is committed to an insane asylum. Years later, Jeremy turns eighteen and i …
Phillip Tomasso: La femme dans les bois
En 1912, une jeune fille est retrouvée morte. À l’époque actuelle, les parents du jeune Jeremy sont impliqués dans un meurtre-suicide. Peu de temps après, ce dernier est interné dans un asile psychia …
tiếng Pháp
Phillip Tomasso: Il Suono del Silenzio
Mark Tanner è un dodicenne sano, spensierato e pieno di sogni nel cassetto. Lanciatore di punta della sua squadra di baseball, nella finale di campionato firma il punto vincente nel derby contro i ri …
tiếng Ý
Phillip Tomasso: You Choose
After a police officer’s family is taken hostage, he faces a deadly choice: one of his family members will live, and the other will die. He must make the decision, and time is running out. Homicide I …
Phillip Tomasso: Sounds Of Silence
Young Marco Lippa is a healthy twelve-year-old: carefree and prone to dreaming. The star pitcher for his baseball team, he hits the winning home-run against their cross-town rivals. But the revelry s …
Phillip Tomasso: La femme dans les bois
En 1912, une jeune fille est retrouvée morte. À l’époque actuelle, les parents du jeune Jeremy sont impliqués dans un meurtre-suicide. Peu de temps après, ce dernier est interné dans un asile psychia …
tiếng Pháp
Phillip Tomasso: Before The Sun Sets
He was stuck living in the past. She could only focus on her future. Together, they dreamed of a happily ever after. After a tragic accident, James quits his job at a law firm and sells his house. Un …
Phillip Tomasso: Queens Of Osiris
Ever since the demise of the Mountain King, Hermon Cordillera’s daughters have stepped up and shared the throne as queens of the Osiris Realm. But when women go missing from the kingdom, they are una …
Phillip Tomasso: Assassin’s Promise
When Blodwyn was a young boy, the King’s Watch combed the lands in search of wizards, witches and anyone else practicing magic. When they stormed his house, it was Blodwyn’s father they wanted. The s …
Phillip Tomasso: Il Suono del Silenzio
Mark Tanner è un dodicenne sano, spensierato e pieno di sogni nel cassetto. Lanciatore di punta della sua squadra di baseball, nella finale di campionato firma il punto vincente nel derby contro i ri …
tiếng Ý
Phillip Tomasso: Wizard’s War
To stop the Mountain King, the realms across land and sea must unify. But time is not on their side. Mykal and his friends must warn King Nabal of the Mountain King’s invasion of Grey Ashland and the …
Phillip Tomasso: Wizard’s Rise
For over two hundred years, the Rye Empire outlawed the use of magic. Now, the empire has fallen and a new, sinister power is rising. Ambitious and corrupt, The Mountain King will stop at nothing to …
Phillip Tomasso: The Severed Empire Collection
All four books in Phillip Tomasso’s ‘The Severed Empire’, a series of epic fantasy novels, now in one volume! Wizard’s Rise : For over two hundred years, the Rye Empire outlawed the use of magic. Now …
Phillip Tomasso: El Ascenso del Hechicero
Durante más de doscientos años, el Imperio de Rye prohibió el uso de la magia. Ahora, el imperio ha caído y un nuevo y siniestro poder está surgiendo. Ambicioso y corrupto, el Rey de la Montaña no se …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Phillip Tomasso & Jennifer Ealey: The Time Of Heroes
A collection of three epic fantasy series starters by Phillip Tomasso, Jennifer Ealey and B.R. Stateham, now in one volume! Wizard’s Rise (The Severed Empire Book 1) : For over two hundred years, the …
Phillip Tomasso: Before The Sun Sets
He was stuck living in the past. She could only focus on her future. Together, they dreamed of a happily ever after. After a tragic accident, James quits his job at a law firm and sells his house. Un …
Phillip Tomasso: Wizard’s War
Phillip Tomasso: La femme dans les bois
tiếng Pháp
Phillip Tomasso: You Choose
Phillip Tomasso: Sounds Of Silence
Young Marco Lippa is a healthy twelve-year-old: carefree and prone to dreaming. The star pitcher for his baseball team, he hits the winning home-run against their cross-town rivals. But the revelry s …
Phillip Tomasso: Nothing Good Happens After Midnight
After two decades in the corporate world, author Phillip Tomasso found himself tossed into the realm of public safety. He went from handling legal employment issues to working for a busy 911 Center. …
Phillip Tomasso: Η Άνοδος του Μάγου
Για πάνω από διακόσια χρόνια, η αυτοκρατορία του Ράις απαγόρευε τη χρήση της μαγείας. Τώρα, η αυτοκρατορία έχει πέσει και μια νέα, σκοτεινή δύναμη ανατέλλει. Φιλόδοξος και διεφθαρμένος, ο Βασιλιάς το …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Phillip Tomasso: Ο Πόλεμος του Μάγου
Για να σταματήσουν τον Βασιλιά των Βουνών, τα βασίλεια σε στεριά και θάλασσα πρέπει να ενωθούν. Αλλά ο χρόνος δεν είναι με το μέρος τους. Ο Μύκαλης και οι φίλοι του πρέπει να προειδοποιήσουν τον βασι …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Phillip Tomasso: Βασίλισσες Του Οσιρι
Από τότε που έφυγε ο Βασιλιάς του Βουνού, οι κόρες του Ερμόν Κορντιλέρα ανέβηκαν και μοιράστηκαν το θρόνο ως βασίλισσες του Βασιλείου του Όσιρι. Όταν όμως εξαφανίζονται γυναίκες από το βασίλειο, αδυν …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Phillip Tomasso: Η Υπόσχεση του Δολοφόνου
Όταν ο Μπλόντουιν ήταν νεαρό αγόρι, η Φρουρά του Βασιλιά χτένιζε τα εδάφη αναζητώντας μάγους, μάγισσες και οποιονδήποτε άλλον ασκούσε μαγεία. Όταν εισέβαλαν στο σπίτι του, ήθελαν τον πατέρα του Μπλόν …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Phillip Tomasso: Queens Of Osiris
Ever since the demise of the Mountain King, Hermon Cordillera’s daughters have stepped up and shared the throne as queens of the Osiris Realm. But when women go missing from the kingdom, they are una …
Phillip Tomasso: L’Ascension du Sorcier
Pendant plus de 200 ans, l’empire Rye a interdit l’utilisation de la magie. Aujourd’hui, l’empire est tombé et un nouveau pouvoir sinistre se lève. Ambitieux et corrompu, le roi de la montagne ne rec …
tiếng Pháp
Phillip Tomasso: Assassin’s Promise
When Blodwyn was a young boy, the King’s Watch combed the lands in search of wizards, witches and anyone else practicing magic. When they stormed his house, it was Blodwyn’s father they wanted. The s …
Phillip Tomasso: El Ascenso del Hechicero
Durante más de doscientos años, el Imperio de Rye prohibió el uso de la magia. Ahora, el imperio ha caído y un nuevo y siniestro poder está surgiendo. Ambicioso y corrupto, el Rey de la Montaña no se …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Phillip Tomasso: Η Άνοδος του Μάγου
Για πάνω από διακόσια χρόνια, η αυτοκρατορία του Ράις απαγόρευε τη χρήση της μαγείας. Τώρα, η αυτοκρατορία έχει πέσει και μια νέα, σκοτεινή δύναμη ανατέλλει. Φιλόδοξος και διεφθαρμένος, ο Βασιλιάς το …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Phillip Tomasso: Ο Πόλεμος του Μάγου
Για να σταματήσουν τον Βασιλιά των Βουνών, τα βασίλεια σε στεριά και θάλασσα πρέπει να ενωθούν. Αλλά ο χρόνος δεν είναι με το μέρος τους. Ο Μύκαλης και οι φίλοι του πρέπει να προειδοποιήσουν τον βασι …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Phillip Tomasso & D.J. Van Oss: From His Perspective
A collection of three romance novels by Phillip Tomasso, D.J. Van Oss & Ronald Bagliere, now available in one volume! Before The Sun Sets : James and Charlie are haunted by their past and focused on …
Phillip Tomasso: Βασίλισσες Του Οσιρι
Από τότε που έφυγε ο Βασιλιάς του Βουνού, οι κόρες του Ερμόν Κορντιλέρα ανέβηκαν και μοιράστηκαν το θρόνο ως βασίλισσες του Βασιλείου του Όσιρι. Εν τω μεταξύ, ο Μύκαλης – ο νεαρός μάγος – συνεχίζει ν …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Phillip Tomasso: Η Υπόσχεση του Δολοφόνου
Όταν ο Μπλόντουιν ήταν νεαρό αγόρι, η Φρουρά του Βασιλιά χτένιζε τα εδάφη αναζητώντας μάγους, μάγισσες και οποιονδήποτε άλλον ασκούσε μαγεία. Όταν εισέβαλαν στο σπίτι του, ήθελαν τον πατέρα του Μπλόν …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Phillip Tomasso: L’Ascension du Sorcier
Pendant plus de 200 ans, l’empire Rye a interdit l’utilisation de la magie. Aujourd’hui, l’empire est tombé et un nouveau pouvoir sinistre se lève. Ambitieux et corrompu, le roi de la montagne ne rec …
tiếng Pháp
Phillip Tomasso: A ascensão do feiticeiro
Por mais de duzentos anos, o Império Rye proibiu o uso de magia. Agora, o império caiu e um novo e sinistro poder está surgindo. Ambicioso e corrupto, o Rei da Montanha fará de tudo para alcançar seu …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Phillip Tomasso: La Guerra De Los Magos
Para detener al Rey de la Montaña, los reinos de tierra y mar deben unirse. Pero el tiempo no está de su lado. Mykal y sus amigos deben advertir al Rey Nabal de la invasión del Rey de la Montaña a As …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Phillip Tomasso: You Choose
After a police officer’s family is taken hostage, he faces a deadly choice: one of his family members will live, and the other will die. He must make the decision, and time is running out. Homicide I …
Phillip Tomasso: Woman in the Woods
In 1912, a young girl is found dead. In present day, young Jeremy’s parents are involved in a murder-suicide. Soon after, he is committed to an insane asylum. Years later, Jeremy turns eighteen and i …
Phillip Tomasso: Nothing Good Happens After Midnight
After two decades in the corporate world, author Phillip Tomasso found himself tossed into the realm of public safety. He went from handling legal employment issues to working for a busy 911 Center. …
Phillip Tomasso: The Severed Empire Collection
All four books in Phillip Tomasso’s ‘The Severed Empire’, a series of epic fantasy novels, now in one volume! Wizard’s Rise : For over two hundred years, the Rye Empire outlawed the use of magic. Now …
Jennifer Ealey & B.R. Stateham: The Time Of Heroes
A collection of three epic fantasy series starters by Phillip Tomasso, Jennifer Ealey and B.R. Stateham, now in one volume! Wizard’s Rise (The Severed Empire Book 1) : For over two hundred years, the …
Phillip Tomasso: Pulse of Evil
Phillip Tomasso: Queens of Osiris
Phillip Tomasso: Guerre de sorciers
Pour arrêter le Roi de la Montagne, les royaumes à travers la terre et la mer doivent être unifiés. Mais le temps n’est pas de leur côté. Mykal et ses amis doivent avertir le roi Nabal de l’invasion …
tiếng Pháp
Phillip Tomasso: A Mulher Da Floresta
Em 1912, uma jovem garota é encontrada morta. Nos dias de hoje, os pais do jovem Jeremy envolveram-se num homicídio-suicídio. Logo depois, ele é internado num manicómio. Anos mais tarde, Jeremy faz d …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha