Faith and Feminism brings together leading voices in biblical studies, inter-religious encounters, theology and ethics. Originally delivered as part of the Phyllis Trible Lecture Series at Wake Forest University School of Divinity (2003-2013), these essays demonstrate the breadth of feminist interpretation on compelling topics: interpretation of sacred texts; Judeo-Christian and Islamic perspectives; gender and sexuality; race and cultural identity; and ecology and religion. An international group of writers, both established scholars and new voices, contribute. Readers can explore the impact of feminisms on faiths and faiths on feminisms.
Mục lục
Chapter 1
Testimonies in Tongues
B. Diane Lipsett and Phyllis Trible
Part One Biblical Studies
Chapter 2 The Dilemma of Dominion
Phyllis Trible
Chapter 3 From Pawn to Selfhood: The Character Leah
Wilma Ann Bailey
Chapter 4 Folklore, Feminism, and the Ambiguity of Power
Women’s Voice in Genesis?
Susan Niditch
Chapter 5 The Journey of a Girl Who Talks Back: Mark’s Syropheonician Woman
Hisako Kinukawa
Chapter 6 Sacraments of Friendship: Embodied Love in the Gospel of John
Gail R. O’Day
Part Two Inter-religious Ventures
Chapter 7 Learning in the Presence of the Other:
Feminisms and the Interreligious Encounter
Mary C. Boys
Chapter 8 Speaking from Behind the Veil: Does Islamic Feminism Exist?
Hibba Abugideiri
Chapter 9 The Emergence of Muslim American Feminism
Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad
Chapter 10 Sarah and Hagar: A Feminist European Perspective on Actual Controversies
Ulrike Bechmann
Chapter 11 The Women of Jericho: Dramatization as Feminist Hermeneutics
Ulrike Bechmann
Part Three Theology and Ethics
Chapter 12 Ecological Theology in Women’s Voices
Elizabeth A. Johnson
Chapter 13 Daily Life Challenges as the Criterion for Biblical and Feminist Theological Hermeneutics
Ivone Gebara
Chapter 14 Do You Understand What You Are Reading? African Women’s Reading of the Bible and the Ethos of Contemporary Christianity in Africa
Mercy Amba Oduyoye
Chapter 15 With Running Mouth and Hands on Hips: Saphire and the Moral Imagination
Emilie M. Townes
Chapter 16 Why Do Men Need the Goddess? Male Creation of Female Religious Symbols
Rosemary Radford Ruether
Selected Bibliography
Index of Scripture References
Index of Authors and Editors
Index of Subjects
Giới thiệu về tác giả
B. Diane Lipsett is Assistant Professor of Religion at Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Specializing in literary analysis of early Christian texts, Lipsett is the author of Desiring Conversion: Hermas, Thecla, Aseneth.