Pieter Meiring, a well-known professor at the University of Pretoria, served on the the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as a representative of the Afrikaner community. He is known for his sharp theological intellect and ecumenical interests, as well as for his fervent spirituality, warm humanity, and zeal for justice, freedom, and reconciliation.
3 Ebooks bởi Piet Meiring
Mohammed Girma: Healing of Memories
Africa has seen many political crises ranging from violent political ideologies, to meticulous articulated racist governance system, to ethnic clashes resulting in genocide and religious conflicts th …
Piet Meiring: Chronicle of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
For two-and-a-half years South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission was on everybody’s lips. Newspapers and radio programs reported daily on the work of the Commission, and the faces of victi …
Piet Meiring: Kroniek van de Waarheid en Versoeningskommissie
Twee en ‘n half jaar lank was die werk van die Waarheids- en Versoeningskommissie op almal se Iippe, het die koerante en radio daagliks oor die kommissie verslag gedoen, het die gesigte van slagoffer …
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