Tác giả: Priscilla Roth

Ủng hộ
Priscilla Roth é analista didata e supervisora da Sociedade Psicanalítica Britânica, onde atualmente é coordenadora da formação. É autora de diversos artigos psicanalíticos, editora de Bearing Unbearable States of Mind: The work of Ruth Malcolm [Lidando com estados de espírito insuportáveis: o trabalho de Ruth Malcolm] e co-editora, com Richard Rusbridger, de Encounters with Melanie Klein: The Work of Elizabeth Spillius [Encontros com Melanie Klein: A obra de Elizabeth Spillius].

12 Ebooks bởi Priscilla Roth

Ruth Riesenberg-Malcolm: On Bearing Unbearable States of Mind
This is a problem almost all practising psychoanalysts will face at some time in their career, yet there is very little in the existing literature which offers guidance in this important area. On …
Elizabeth Spillius: Encounters with Melanie Klein
In Encounters with Melanie Klein: Selected Papers of Elizabeth Spillius the author argues that her two professions, anthropology and psychoanalysis, have much in common, and explains how her …
Alessandra Lemma & Priscilla Roth: Envy and Gratitude Revisited
These stimulating essays are evidence that 50 years after its publication Melanie Klein”s Envy and Gratitude is still a rich source of psychoanalytic inspiration. Sixteen highly regarded analysts, …
Alessandra Lemma & Priscilla Roth: Envy and Gratitude Revisited
These stimulating essays are evidence that 50 years after its publication Melanie Klein”s Envy and Gratitude is still a rich source of psychoanalytic inspiration. Sixteen highly regarded analysts, …
Elizabeth Spillius: Encounters with Melanie Klein
In Encounters with Melanie Klein: Selected Papers of Elizabeth Spillius the author argues that her two professions, anthropology and psychoanalysis, have much in common, and explains how her …
Elizabeth Spillius: Encounters with Melanie Klein
In Encounters with Melanie Klein: Selected Papers of Elizabeth Spillius the author argues that her two professions, anthropology and psychoanalysis, have much in common, and explains how her …
Ruth Riesenberg-Malcolm: On Bearing Unbearable States of Mind
This is a problem almost all practising psychoanalysts will face at some time in their career, yet there is very little in the existing literature which offers guidance in this important area. On B …
Ruth Riesenberg-Malcolm: On Bearing Unbearable States of Mind
This is a problem almost all practising psychoanalysts will face at some time in their career, yet there is very little in the existing literature which offers guidance in this important area. On B …
Alessandra Lemma & Priscilla Roth: Envy and Gratitude Revisited
These stimulating essays are evidence that 50 years after its publication Melanie Klein’s Envy and Gratitude is still a rich source of psychoanalytic inspiration. Sixteen highly regarded analysts, …
Alessandra Lemma & Priscilla Roth: Retorno a Envidia y Gratitud
Estos ensayos estimulantes son evidencia de que cincuenta aos despus de su publicacin, Envidia y Gratitud de Melanie Klein sigue siendo una rica fuente de inspiracin psicoanaltica. Diecisis analistas …
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Alessandra Lemma & Priscilla Roth: Retorno a Envidia y Gratitud
Estos ensayos estimulantes son evidencia de que cincuenta aos despus de su publicacin, Envidia y Gratitud de Melanie Klein sigue siendo una rica fuente de inspiracin psicoanaltica. Diecisis analistas …
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Priscilla Roth & Alessandra Lemma: Revisitando ‘Inveja e gratidão’
Revisitando ‘Inveja e gratidão’ convida o leitor àquilo que o título sugere: como seria retomar esse artigo genial, revisitá-lo, repensá-lo depois de cinquenta anos de teoria e clínica inspiradas por …
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