Rachel is considered one of the World”s foremost authorities on the modern interpretation of the Tarot. She is also a poet, an award-winning novelist, and a Tarot card and comic book artist. She has published 12 books on the Tarot, including 78 Degrees of Wisdom (Thorsons, 1998), considered a modern classic and the Bible of Tarot reading. Its” marriage of common sense, wide-ranging knowledge, and esoteric awareness have inspired many tens of thousands of readers worldwide to a deeper knowledge of the Tarot.She is a member of the American Tarot Association, the International Tarot Society, and the Tarot Guild of Australia. With fellow Tarot author Mary Greer, she has taught at the famed Omega Institute for the past twelve years. She has been conferred the title of Tarot Grand Master by the Tarot Certification Board, an independent body located in Las Vegas, Nevada.As a fiction writer, Pollack has been bestowed many honors and awards, among them the famed Arthur C. Clarke Award for Science Fiction (for Unquenchable Fire) and the World Fantasy Award (for Godmother Night). She is a recommended member of PEN International, and has written for numerous publications.
14 Ebooks bởi Rachel Pollack
Rachel Pollack: Unquenchable Fire
In an America where the miraculous is par for the course, where magic and myths are as real as shopping malls and television game shows, Jennifer Mazdan listens to the modern storytellers recite the …
Rachel Pollack: Golden Vanity
Earth was finally entering the galaxy…The ‘Allies’ had arrived, sweeping down from the stars to offer a jaded Earth the marvels of the cosmos. And Earth had gone crazy. Farmers sat back to wait for …
Rachel Pollack: Alqua Dreams
The corpse people of Planet Keela believe that life is an illusion. Earthman Jaimi Cooper finds their practices bizarre but is attracted by a beautiful tribeswoman. Cooper’s task on the planet Keela: …
Rachel Pollack: Temporary Agency
When Ellen was fourteen, her cousin, Paul, angered a Malignant One, and he turned to Ellen for help. And then, when things had started to get out of hand, when the usual spells and charms didn’t work …
Rachel Pollack: Godmother Night
Almost a set of short stories, this novel breaks into discrete episodes, centered on identity, love, and death. Jaqe has no identity until she meets Laurie, introduced and named by Mother Night; in t …
Rachel Pollack: Burning Sky
BURNING SKY is a collection of twenty-seven short stories by award-winning author Rachel Pollack. These stories – many of which have remained almost wholly unknown until now – reflect the author’s in …
Rachel Pollack: Beatrix Gates
A queer cult favourite, ‘The Beatrix Gates’ is a colourful mix of science fiction, magical realism, memoir, and myth exploring themes of spirituality and transformation. Courage and cowardice contend …
Rachel Pollack: Child Eater
An ancient evil is on the rise. Children are disappearing. Only two boys, from different worlds, can stop it.On Earth, The Wisdom family has always striven to be more normal than normal. But Simon Wi …
Rachel Pollack: Beatrix Gates
Rachel Pollack is a sorceress, a wizard with words who spins together the spiritual, the political, and the passionate in her unique, indeed inimitable, tales. An award-winning SF and Fantasy author, …
Rachel Pollack: Setenta e oito graus de sabedoria
Nova edição, revisada e atualizada, da obra de referência sobre o tarô e sua simbologia. Considerado por especialistas de todo o mundo como um dos melhores livros já escritos sobre o tarô, Setenta e …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Rachel Pollack: Golden Vanity – Ein klassischer Science-Fiction Roman
Außerirdische mit einer offenbar hochentwickelten Technologie haben die Erde entdeckt. Die Galaxis, aus der diese Wesen stammen, wird von einer Raumregierung, kurz RR genannt, geführt, doch die Macht …
tiếng Đức
Rachel Pollack: Parallelwelten – Unstillbares Feuer
Eine neue Welt ist entstanden. Aus Aberglauben ist Realität geworden. In dieser Welt wehrt sich die junge Jennifer Mazdan dagegen, dass ihr Leben von einer geheimnisvollen Kraft beherrscht wird. Dies …
tiếng Đức
Rachel Pollack: Fissure King
Inspired equally by the classic TV noir Western, Have Gun, Will Travel, and Vladimir Nabokov’s most daring novel, Pale Fire, multiple award-winning writer Rachel Pollack brings us the adventures of J …