Rafael Morales was born in Cienfuegos, a city on the south coast of Cuba. He has a BA in biology, and worked as a marine biologist at the Science Academy of Cuba until 1998 when he emigrated to the U.S. He worked as a biology teacher for two years then started his own business. He has studied Eastern spiritual literature since 2006, which heavily influenced his writing.
10 Ebooks bởi Rafael Morales
Rafael Morales: Agile Entrepreneurship: How to Start your Business Project
When launching a business project, it is difficult to decide how to start: looking for fundings, designing the product, outlining the marketing plan? An entrepreneur has a limited set of resources an …
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Rafael Morales: The One Who Found Its Being
A lyrical, illustrated story told through a lens of magical reality. In the beginning, Tao is a baby who is born pure and at one with everything, with no emotions and no personality. As the boy grows …
Rafael Morales: Encontrando Su Ser
Una historia lírica e ilustrada contada a través de la lente de la realidad mágica. En el comienzo, Tao es un bebé que nace puro y uno con todo, sin emociones ni personalidad. A medida que el niño cr …
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Rafael Morales: The One Who Found Its Being
A baby born with his mind a blank slate conceptualizes his reality after speaking his first word. His identification with his own mind grows as he becomes an adult, and he loses his sense of self. Th …
Rafael Morales & Gisela Acevedo: ENCONTRANDO SU SER
Un bebé nace y comienza a conceptualizar la realidad después de balbucear su primera palabra. Su identificación con su propia mente se intensifica mientras crece y se convierte en adolescente, perdie …
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Rafael Morales: The One who found its Being
In this third book of The One Who Found Its Being series, we meet Leah who was born with a pure smile because she was one with life. As she grew up, societal pressure crushed her mind and filled her …
Rafael Morales: Encontrando Su Ser
Un bebé nace y comienza a conceptualizar la realidad después de balbucear su primera palabra. Su identificación con su propia mente se intensifica mientras crece y se conv …
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