Rainer K. Silbereisen was Professor and Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology at the University of Jena (Germany), Adjunct Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at the Pennsylvania State University (USA), and is currently Director of the Center for Applied Developmental Science (CADS). He is Fellow of the American Psychological Association and Member of the European Academy of Sciences (London). He was Editor of the International Journal of Behavioral Development and of the journal European Psychologist. He was Chair of the Board of the German Social Science Infrastructure Services (GESIS), is a former President of the German Psychological Society and of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD). He was until recently President of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsy S) and is now Past-President. A psychologist by training, he has been involved in interdisciplinary large scale research on human development across the life-span, and in particular on the role of social change in positive and maladaptive human development, utilizing a cross-cultural and biopsychosocial format. With the help of private foundations, he has established training programs for young investigators from developing countries. He has edited about 20 books and published more than 250 scholarly articles.
24 Ebooks bởi Rainer K. Silbereisen
Xinyin Chen & Rainer K. Silbereisen: Social Change and Human Development
Today′s world is characterized by a set of overarching trends that often come under the rubric of social change. In this innovative volume, Rainer K. Silbereisen and Xinyin Chen bring together, for t …
Rainer K. Silbereisen & Richard M. Lerner: Approaches to Positive Youth Development
Scientific research and science-guided practice based on the promotion of an individual′s strengths constitutes a radical shift in a new and growing area of study within the field of human developmen …
Heinrich Best & Everhard Holtmann: Aufbruch der entsicherten Gesellschaft
20 Jahre nach der deutschen Einigung handeln die Menschen in Ostdeutschland immer noch unter dem Einfluss der Ost-West-Differenz und anhaltender Unsicherheit. Das Buch zeichnet die Entwicklungslinien …
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Willard W. Hartup & Rainer K. Silbereisen: Growing Points in Developmental Science
Growing Points in Developmental Science is an ISSBD publication based on the millennium symposia papers published in the International Journal of Behavioral Development in 2000. This collection of ov …
Willard W. Hartup & Rainer K. Silbereisen: Growing Points in Developmental Science
Growing Points in Developmental Science is an ISSBD publication based on the millennium symposia papers published in the International Journal of Behavioral Development in 2000. This collection of ov …
Willard W. Hartup & Rainer K. Silbereisen: Growing Points in Developmental Science
Growing Points in Developmental Science is an ISSBD publication based on the millennium symposia papers published in the International Journal of Behavioral Development in 2000. This collection of ov …
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn & Richard M. Lerner: Developmental Science of Adolescence
The Developmental Science of Adolescence: History Through Autobiography is the most authoritative account of the leading developmental scientists from around the world. Written by the scholars who sh …
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn & Richard M. Lerner: Developmental Science of Adolescence
The Developmental Science of Adolescence: History Through Autobiography is the most authoritative account of the leading developmental scientists from around the world. Written by the scholars who sh …
Rainer K. Silbereisen & Peter F. Titzmann: The Challenges of Diaspora Migration
Diaspora or ”ethnic return” migrants have often been privileged in terms of citizenship and material support when they seek to return to their ancestral land, yet for many, after long periods of ab …
Rainer K. Silbereisen & Peter F. Titzmann: The Challenges of Diaspora Migration
Diaspora or ”ethnic return” migrants have often been privileged in terms of citizenship and material support when they seek to return to their ancestral land, yet for many, after long periods of ab …
Ingrid Schoon & Rainer K. Silbereisen: Pathways to Adulthood
Among the many life transitions that individuals must master throughout their lives, the transition to adulthood ranks very high in terms of importance, complexity and uniqueness. It involves the com …
Ingrid Schoon & Rainer K. Silbereisen: Pathways to Adulthood
Among the many life transitions that individuals must master throughout their lives, the transition to adulthood ranks very high in terms of importance, complexity and uniqueness. It involves the com …
Rainer K. Silbereisen & Alexander von Eye: Growing up in Times of Social Change
Ernst-Dieter Lantermann & Eva Schmitt-Rodermund: Aussiedler in Deutschland
schiedliche Kontakte über persönliche Beziehungen, private Hilfseinrichtun gen und öffentliche Stellen ergaben eine breite Streuung über vielfältige Le benswege und familiäre Hintergründe, können a …
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Klaus Eyferth & Georg Rudinger: Development as Action in Context
Most contributions to this volume originated as papers given at an inter- national conference on Integrative Perspectives on Youth Development held in Berlin (West) in May, 1983. This conference was …
Richard M Lerner & Rainer K Silbereisen: Approaches to Positive Youth Development
Scientific research and science-guided practice based on the promotion of an individual’s strengths constitutes a radical shift in a new and growing area of study within the field of human developmen …
Marcus Hasselhorn & Rainer K. Silbereisen: Entwicklungspsychologie des Säuglings- und Kindesalters
Der Band dokumentiert umfassend den aktuellen Stand der psychologischen Forschung zur Entwicklung im Säuglings- und Kindesalter. Neben bereichsübergreifenden Entwicklungsskizzen einzelner Altersberei …
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Rainer K. Silbereisen & Marcus Hasselhorn: Entwicklungspsychologie des Jugendalters
Renommierte Expertinnen und Experten bieten in diesem Band einen umfassenden Überblick über die internationale psychologische Forschung zum Jugendalter. Neben biologischen und psychologischen Grundpr …
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Karina Weichold & Anja Blumenthal: Suchtprävention in der Schule
Das Lebenskompetenzenprogramm IPSY (Information + Psychosoziale Kompetenz = Schutz) wurde für die Klassenstufen 5–7 basierend auf dem aktuellen Forschungsstand zur Entstehung von jugendlichem Substan …
tiếng Đức
Karina Weichold & Anja Blumenthal: Suchtprävention in der Schule
Das Lebenskompetenzenprogramm IPSY (Information + Psychosoziale Kompetenz = Schutz) wurde für die Klassenstufen 5–7 basierend auf dem aktuellen Forschungsstand zur Entstehung von jugendlichem Substan …
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