Abu Bakarr Bah is Associate Professor of Sociology at Northern Illinois University. He is author of Breakdown and Reconstitution: Democracy, the National-State, and Ethnicity in Nigeria and editor-in-chief of African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review.
2 Ebooks bởi Rebecca Gulowski
Abu Bakarr Bah: International Security and Peacebuilding
The end of the Cold War was to usher in an era of peace based on flourishing democracies and free market economies worldwide. Instead, new wars, including the war on terrorism, have threatened intern …
Rebecca Gulowski & Michaela Zöhrer: Forschungen für Frieden
Wer Frieden verstehen will, muss auch Konflikte erforschen. Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes widmen sich theoretischen Positionen und Anwendungsfeldern sozialwissenschaftlicher Konfliktforschung sowie d …
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