The bottom line: Millennials are looking good
There’s a lot of consternation about the Millennial generation — Canada’s youngest adults born since the mid-1980s and now reaching their thirties. But the speculation has not been accompanied by sound and comprehensive information — until now.
Highly respected sociologist and veteran trend-tracker Reginald W. Bibby teams up with two Gen X colleagues, Joel Thiessen and Monetta Bailey, to provide an up-to-date reading on how Millennials see the world — their values, joys, and concerns; their views of family, sexuality, spirituality, and other Canadians; and their hopes and expectations as they look to the future.
What’s more, the authors compare Millennials with Gen Xers, Boomers, and Pre-Boomers. Their conclusion? Canada’s much-criticized Millennials may well be a solid upgrade on previous generations — speaking well for the country’s future.
Mục lục
Introduction: The Worrying Continues … and Is Getting Worse
1 What Matters: Values/Enjoyment
2 Their Concerns: Personal/Social
3 How They See Life: Individuals/Institutions
4 Sexualities: Sex/Equality Issues
5 Families: Salience/Attitudes/Aspirations
6 The Gods: Religion/Spirituality
7 The Future: The Paradox/So Far/Great Expectations
8 Conclusion: The Good, the Bad, and the Wildcards
About the Authors
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Monetta Bailey, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of sociology at Ambrose University specializing in racialized youth, immigration, gender, and crime. She is a recent graduate of the University of Calgary, and worked for a time with troubled youth in Alberta. She lives in Calgary.