Tác giả: Riabchuk

Ủng hộ
Dr. Mykola Riabchuk studied history and literary theory in Moscow in 1985–1988. During the 1990s, he co-edited the leading Ukrainian intellectual journals Vsesvit, Suchasnist, and Krytyka. Since 2012, he has been a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Political and Nationalities’ Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Riabchuk served as a Fulbright Fellow at Penn State University, the University of Texas, and George Washington University, Reagan-Fascell Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington, DC, Reuters Fellow at Oxford, Milena Jesenska and EURIAS Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, Ramsay Tompkins Professor at the University of Alberta, and Ukrainian Studies Fellow at Harvard. Riabchuk is Honorary President of the Ukrainian PEN Center and Jury Head for the Angelus International Literary Award. His previous books include From ‘Little Russia’ to Ukraine (Krytyka / Universitas 2000; L’Harmattan / Markovic 2003); Two Ukraines: Real Borders and Virtual Wars (Krytyka 2003; KEW 2004; Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet 2015); Die reale und die imaginierte Ukraine (Suhrkamp 2005); Gleichschaltung: Authoritarian Consolidation in Ukraine, 2010-2012 (KIS 2012); Postcolonial Syndrome (KIS 2011; KEW 2015).

1 Ebooks bởi Riabchuk

Mykola Riabchuk: At the Fence of Metternich’s Garden
This collection of essays reflects the personal experience of a Ukrainian intellectual engaged, since his Soviet-time youth, in a painstaking but fascinating process of the both cultural and …