Tác giả: Richard Fierce

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74 Ebooks bởi Richard Fierce

pdmac & Richard Fierce: Chronicles of Mirstone
Six talented authors lend their voices to a tale of destruction, mistrust and … hope. Two hundred years ago, the dwarven clans and the elvish houses of Mirstone were at peace. The king of the dwarv …
Richard Fierce: The Restored King
Darkness is at the door. Aramis’s quest to clear his name and save his homeland have almost killed him. He returns to his kingdom to find that his brother has slaughtered their people and burned thei …
Richard Fierce: Dragonsphere
The soul of a powerful dragon has escaped its magical prison. The creature’s wrath knows no bounds and spreads across two enemy kingdoms, forcing an unlikely alliance. Calderon and Velkyn, the two yo …
Richard Fierce: Smoke and Blood
Ancient magic. A mysterious boy. War at the border. The hard-won peace of a fragile kingdom is about to crumble. Threatened with invasion, the nobles of Avar must find a way to defend their border an …
Richard Fierce: Shard of the Sun
Ages ago, sorcerers created a new sun to replace their dying one. When a shard of the sun falls to the earth, more than one takes notice. And some have intentions more wicked than others. A powerful …
Richard Fierce: The Valiant King
The threads of creation are fraying. Aramis is betrayed by the Prophet of Edria and finds himself imprisoned. When the Prophet finds the location of the next item that Mordum’s follower’s seek, he fo …
Richard Fierce: Steel for Hire
Some jobs turn you into a zombie. Literally. Captain Jayde Thrin of the cargo ship Determination has one goal: make enough money to retire in style. Her small mercenary crew travels the universe taki …
Richard Fierce: Steel for Free
Earth has fallen. A genetically designed plague has ravaged the birthplace of humanity, leaving millions of undead wandering the planet. But there is hope. An alien ally claims to have the cure. Capt …
Richard Fierce: Steel for All
Earth is lost. Captain Jayde Thrin and her mercenary crew return to Earth to find a lost cause. The government has given up on the planet and turned its focus to the war brewing at the edge of humani …
Richard Fierce: Galactic Mercenaries Omnibus
Some jobs will turn you into a zombie. Literally. Episode 1: Captain Jayde Thrin of the cargo ship Determination has one goal: make enough money to retire in style. Her small mercenary crew travels t …
Richard Fierce: Trial by Sorcery
Dragons can be dangerous…  if you don’t bond with them first. Eldwin wants to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a Dragon Guard, but not for the glory. With his family dead and their la …
Richard Fierce: A Bond of Flame
Sometimes there’s a fine line between truth and a lie. Eldwin’s quest to become a dragon rider seems hopeless, but he won’t let his dream to bond with a dragon die. A sell-sword job with a caravan pr …
Richard Fierce: The Warrior’s Call
Darkness threatens the land. With an evil creature killing dragons and riders alike, the False King’s reign of terror spills across the border. While the king of Osnen and the Citadel’s riders strugg …
Richard Fierce: The Coin of Souls
Sometimes death is only the beginning. The Island of Lost Souls gives Eldwin hope that he’ll see his father again, but the island holds many secrets—and hidden dangers. As he draws closer to the end …
Richard Fierce: Wings of Terror
Some souls never find rest. Eldwin’s decision to bring a soul back from the island proved to be a costly mistake. Innocent people are dying, and the blame falls on his shoulders. Where magic and stee …
Richard Fierce: The Wizard and the Frog
An incompetent wizard turned my girlfriend into a frog, and that’s just the beginning. The name’s Jack and I hunt monsters for a living. I’ve been doing this for a while, but my associate is new. Dor …
Richard Fierce: The Fallen King
A dark god is rising. The dragon that threatened to destroy Talvaard and Oakvalor has been defeated. In the aftermath, Talvaard is engulfed in civil war as generals and politicians seek the empty thr …
Richard Fierce: Eyes of Stone
If only statues could speak. As the Order works to rebuild, Eldwin is promoted and given his first official task: investigate the disappearance of a missing child. What he assumes will be an easy ass …
Richard Fierce: Tooth and Claw
Dark creatures are gathering. Eldwin and Maren are dispatched to the border of Osnen for their next assignment. A cluster of small mining towns are in danger as a horde of goblins are assembling in t …
Richard Fierce: The Servant of Souls
Magic is dying. Eldwin and Maren set out on a journey to the other schools to see if their fellow riders are being impacted by the disruption to magic. The Terranese school provides a dark surprise, …
Richard Fierce: Smoke and Shadow
The shadows hide a secret. With Maren bound to the ferryman’s boat by a powerful enchantment, and magic all but gone, Eldwin must find another way to free her. Beneath the Terranese school lies a pos …
Pdmac & Richard Fierce: Throne of Deceit
Two souls, one destiny. Their royal parents assassinated, two young siblings are separated and hidden to protect their future and the future of their kingdom. Only when their adoptive families are mu …
Richard Fierce: The Dark Rider
There’s a traitor among the riders. The Citadel is attacked, and the already weakened Order must face a new threat – one that isn’t just flesh and blood. Eldwin is summoned by the Assembly to fulfill …
pdmac & Richard Fierce: Rune Marked
King Torian’s evil is spreading across the realms. Conal and Gwen are hard-pressed to evade Torian’s spies and armies while gathering support to combat the evil king’s quest for total domination. But …
Richard Fierce: Dragon Riders of Osnen
Heroes are often the least among us. Three tests determine the worthiness of a dragon rider. Compassion, magical aptitude, and armed combat. Eldwin is determined to pass them, but his maimed arm is a …
pdmac & Richard Fierce: Magic of Mirstone
Everyone needs a little magic. For some, that means seeking out a machine that can make you a god. For others, it’s about saving a floating isle from crashing into the sea. And then there are those w …
Richard Fierce: Scale of the Dragon
Her key to freedom is also her torment. Mina is an outcast. A childhood accident left her scarred and with a curse that her master exploits to hunt dragons for sport.   She wants freedom, f …
Richard Fierce: Egg of the Dragon
Some curses are the instruments of destiny. After saving Lord Klodian’s life, Mina is elevated above servanthood—but life isn’t as simple as she expected. Her last encounter with a dragon has her que …
Richard Fierce: Call of the Dragon
Some bonds are forged in the heat of adversity. Mina has been granted an audience with the Enclave, and she’s determined to keep war from happening between dragons and humans. But some things are eas …
pdmac & Richard Fierce: Empire of Serpents
The end draws near. United in their efforts to combat King Torian’s evil, Gwen and Conal must now come to terms with the fact that the wicked person responsible for the tyranny and suffering, and the …
Richard Fierce: God Is
Whether you are a new Christian or have been walking with Jesus for years, this book will challenge and uplift you. Offering a fresh perspective on God and His attributes,  God Is attempts …
Richard Fierce: Wrath of the Dragon
Friends will become enemies. Mina has been tasked with stopping Lord D’Lance, but that’s easier said than done. With dark magic and an army at his command, he’s practically untouchable. To add to her …
Richard Fierce: The Fallen King Chronicles
When gods are at war, humanity must fight. Aramis, the crown prince of Oakvalor, is accused of murdering his father for the throne. To prove his innocence, he must find the real assassin, but there a …
Richard Fierce: The Price of Honor
Some traditions are meant to be broken. Lailani has always known that being a woman means that she will never be a dragon rider, but when a messenger shows up demanding that all dragon riders must pr …
Richard Fierce: The Song of Bones
Some of the royal riders have gone missing. When the king calls on the Order for help, Master Anesko gives the task to Eldwin and Maren. As they search for the riders’ whereabouts, they discover a ho …
Richard Fierce: Sword and Crown
Danger lurks in every shadow. When Eldwin and Sion are arrested by one of the king’s riders and escorted across Osnen, they are attacked by dragon slayers. Banished from the Citadel, they must face t …
Richard Fierce: Tides of Darkness
Even dragons can be slaves. Eldwin and Maren sail across the ocean to find the Whispering Cliffs, but things are not as they assumed. The Wild Ones are ruled by a dragon who sees himself as a god, an …
pdmac & Richard Fierce: Dragons of Isentol
Two souls, one destiny. When their parents are killed, two royal siblings are separated to safeguard the kingdom’s future. As they discover the truth of their heritage, they set out to lead a rebelli …
Richard Fierce: Probe durch Zauberei
Drachen können gefährlich sein … wenn du nicht zuerst eine Bindung zu ihnen aufbaust. Eldwin möchte den Fußstapfen seines Vaters folgen und ein Drachenreiter werden, aber nicht wegen des Ruhms.&#xa …
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Richard Fierce: Wrath and Ruin
To save a kingdom, a king must fall. Eldwin and Maren return to the Citadel to find the king’s army at the gates. The Wild Ones are their only hope of defeating the tyrant, but will untested dragons …
Richard Fierce: Dragon Riders of Osnen
A new threat, a dark secret, and a battle to save Osnen. Dragon Riders of Osnen is an action-packed series full of twists, magic, and the struggle against evil. This omnibus edition includes episodes …
Richard Fierce: Ein Bindung des Feuers
Manchmal ist es ein schmaler Grat zwischen Wahrheit und Lüge. Eldwins Versuch, ein Drachenreiter zu werden, scheint hoffnungslos, aber er lässt seinen Traum, sich mit einem Drachen zu verbinden, nich …
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Richard Fierce: Sacrifice of the Dragon
If one succeeds, the other will die. As Mina continues her training, she learns Caden has been freed from his prison. He’s intent on marching his army to the home of the Enclave to free Lireth so she …
pdmac & Richard Fierce: Quests of Mirstone
The call of adventure awaits those bold enough to answer… Return to Mirstone and join these heroes as they embark on epic quests, searching for lost treasures and unlocking the secrets of forgotten l …
Richard Fierce: Curse of the Dragon
One misstep can change a life. When Mina stumbles upon an abandoned dragon cave, she finds more than she bargained for. This is a prequel short story that leads into the series Marked by the Dragon. …
Richard Fierce: Marked by the Dragon
Mina is an outcast. Scarred and cursed with the ability to recognize when dragons are near,  she has no choice but to use her unique gift to serve a dragon-hunting lord…  Will Mina risk e …
Richard Fierce: Dragon Riders of Osnen
Dragons can be dangerous… if you don’t bond with them first. Eldwin wants to be a dragon rider like his father before him, but first he must pass three tests to prove he’s worthy. He’s determined t …
Richard Fierce: Tomb of Oaths
To save the Citadel, the Order must turn to unlikely allies. With the impending war between the king and the riders about to ignite, Eldwin and Maren journey to the only other school left—Valgaard. W …
pdmac & Richard Fierce: Dragon Riders of Mirstone
Embark on a breathtaking journey through the world of dragon riders, where courage, friendship, and the power of flight unite to shape destinies. Feel the rush of battle, the agony of loss, and the t …
Richard Fierce: Dragon Riders of Osnen Issue 1
Eldwin dreams of becoming a dragon rider like his father—but before he can join the elite Dragon Guard, he must face a dangerous series of tests. He’s determined to pass, but his maimed arm is a cons …
Richard Fierce: Chosen
Fate has a way of defying expectations. Chosen in the womb to be a dragon rider, Kai Lin has waited her entire young life to meet her dragon in person. But when she stands before him at the Ceremony …
Richard Fierce: Die Münze der Seelen
Manchmal ist der Tod erst der Anfang. Die Insel der verlorenen Seelen gibt Eldwin Hoffnung, seinen Vater wiederzusehen, doch die Insel birgt viele Geheimnisse – und verborgene Gefahren. Je näher er d …
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Richard Fierce: Flügel des Terrors
Manche Seelen finden niemals Ruhe. Eldwins Entscheidung, eine Seele von der Insel zurückzubringen, erwies sich als folgenschwerer Fehler. Unschuldige Menschen sterben, und die Schuld lastet auf seine …
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Richard Fierce: Augen aus Stein
Wenn Statuen nur sprechen könnten. Während der Orden am Wiederaufbau arbeitet, wird Eldwin befördert und erhält seinen ersten offiziellen Auftrag: Er soll das Verschwinden eines vermissten Kindes unt …
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Richard Fierce: Zahn und Klaue
Dunkle Kreaturen versammeln sich. Eldwin und Maren werden für ihren nächsten Auftrag an die Grenze von Osnen entsandt. Eine Gruppe kleiner Bergbaustädte ist in Gefahr, da sich in den Hügeln …
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Richard Fierce: Aufruf der Krieger
Dunkelheit bedroht das Land. Als eine böse Kreatur Drachen und Reiter gleichermaßen tötet, breitet sich die Schreckensherrschaft des Falschen Königs über die Grenze aus. Während der König von Osnen u …
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Richard Fierce: Der Schurkenreiter
Es gibt einen Verräter unter den Reitern. Die Zitadelle wird angegriffen, und der bereits geschwächte Orden muss sich einer neuen Bedrohung stellen – einer, die nicht nur aus Fleisch und Blut besteht …
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Richard Fierce: Klinge und Thron
Gefahr lauert in jedem Schatten. Als Eldwin und Sion von einem der königlichen Reiter festgenommen und durch Osnen eskortiert werden, werden sie von Drachentötern angegriffen. Aus der Zitad …
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Richard Fierce: Das Lied der Knochen
Einige der königlichen Reiter sind verschwunden. Als der König den Orden um Hilfe bittet, überträgt Meister Anesko die Aufgabe an Eldwin und Maren. Bei ihrer Suche nach dem Verbleib der Rei …
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Richard Fierce: Gezeiten der Dunkelheit
Selbst Drachen können Sklaven sein. Eldwin und Maren segeln über den Ozean, um die Flüsternden Klippen zu finden, aber die Dinge sind nicht so, wie sie angenommen hatten. Die Wilden werden von einem …
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Richard Fierce: Zorn und Untergang
Um ein Königreich zu retten, muss ein König fallen. Eldwin und Maren kehren zur Zitadelle zurück und finden die Armee des Königs vor den Toren. Die Wilden sind ihre einzige Hoffnung, den Tyrannen zu …
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Richard Fierce: Grab der Eide
Um die Zitadelle zu retten, muss der Orden sich unwahrscheinlichen Verbündeten zuwenden. Mit dem bevorstehenden Krieg zwischen dem König und den Reitern, der kurz davor steht zu entflammen, reisen El …
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Richard Fierce: Rauchschleier
Die Schatten bergen ein Geheimnis. Da Maren durch einen mächtigen Zauber an das Boot des Fährmanns gebunden ist und die Magie fast verschwunden ist, muss Eldwin einen anderen Weg finden, sie zu befre …
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Richard Fierce: Galaktische Söldner
Manche Jobs verwandeln dich in einen Zombie. Buchstäblich. Episode 1: Kapitän Jayde Thrin vom Frachtschiff Determination hat nur ein Ziel: genug Geld verdienen, um sich stilvoll zur Ruhe zu setzen. I …
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Richard Fierce: Acolyte
She will forge her own destiny. Under the guidance of the elder dragon Kokoro, Kai must master her newfound abilities and train with her dragon to strengthen their connection. As Kai’s strength grows …
Richard Fierce: Schuppe des Drachen
Ihr Schlüssel zur Freiheit ist zugleich ihre Qual.   Mina ist eine Ausgestoßene. Ein Unfall in ihrer Kindheit hat sie entstellt und mit einem Fluch belegt, den ihr Meister ausnutzt, um Drachen z …
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Richard Fierce: Ei des Drachen
Manche Flüche sind die Werkzeuge des Schicksals. Nachdem Mina Lord Klodians Leben gerettet hat, wird sie über den Stand einer Dienerin erhoben – doch das Leben ist nicht so einfach, wie sie es erwart …
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Richard Fierce: Ruf des Drachen
Manche Verbindungen werden in der Hitze der Widrigkeiten geschmiedet.   Mina wurde eine Audienz bei der Enklave gewährt, und sie ist entschlossen, einen Krieg zwischen Drachen und Menschen zu ve …
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Richard Fierce: Zorn des Drachen
Aus Freunden werden Feinde. Mina wurde beauftragt, Lord D’Lance aufzuhalten, aber das ist leichter gesagt als getan. Mit schwarzer Magie und einer Armee unter seinem Befehl ist er praktisch unantastb …
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Richard Fierce: Opfer des Drachen
Wenn einer Erfolg hat, wird der andere sterben. Während Mina ihr Training fortsetzt, erfährt sie, dass Caden aus seinem Gefängnis befreit wurde. Er ist entschlossen, mit seiner Armee zum Hauptsitz de …
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Richard Fierce: Sworn
Sisters will clash, and only one will prevail. Akuhara has unleashed the Drakka upon the imperial city, determined to crush the empire and carve out a kingdom of her own from the ashes. Armed with el …
Richard Fierce: Wings of the Fallen
One rider’s courage will decide the fate of the kingdom. Matthias Baines has always dreamed of proving his worth on the battlefield. When the False King, a ruthless usurper, seizes the Midian throne …