Tác giả: Richard Gavin

Ủng hộ
Laird Barron is the author of several books, including The Croning, Occultation,  and The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All. His work has also appeared in many magazines and anthologies. An expatriate Alaskan, Barron currently resides in Upstate New York.

12 Ebooks bởi Richard Gavin

Richard Gavin: La strana fede
Negli anfratti bui di cantine e seminterrati si annidano le figure più oscure e spaventose. Ma il timore non frena Michel, bambino dalla sensibilità molto sviluppata, quando viene in contatto con l’e …
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Richard Gavin: Grotesquerie
Michael Aronovitz & Melanie Tem: Searchers after Horror, Band 1: Das Grauen in mir
Sechs unheimliche und phantastische Geschichten rund um das Thema »die unheimlichen Orte« vom vielleicht bekanntesten modernen Kritiker und Verfechter der unheimlichen Literatur S. T. Joshi persönlic …
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