Our intellectual context is very complicated. There are competing pedagogues, divergent epistemological agendas, and flawed participants. The mind is a warzone. The Old Testament depicts a battlefield between the sinful mind and God’s revelation.
Today, many Christians minimize the intellect and do not recognize how sin impacts thinking. Many do not know how to love God with the mind. Many suffer from anti-intellectual inertia. They think like consumers shopping for knowledge, learning formats, and instructors that conform to their buying preferences. They prefer junk food for their minds. They often fulfill the role assigned to them by the world–intellectual simplicity, private religiosity, and subjective spirituality.
By comprehensively examining Old Testament teaching concerning the mind, this book promotes a spirituality that puts thinking in its proper place. It explains what God requires intellectually of his vice-regents. It shows that our world is a labyrinth, but that God’s revelation is our reliable guide. This book motivates readers to strive for mental piety, wisdom, and intellectual development, for the glory of God and the fulfillment of our mandate on earth. Readers will learn from their ancient brethren how to better steward their minds.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Richard L. Smith received a Masters of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1992 and a Doctorate in Historical Theology in 1996. From 1995 to 2001, he ministered in Prague, Czech Republic, with the International Institute for Christian Studies (now Global Scholars).In Prague, he taught a variety of subjects to non-Christians at the Anglo-American College such as: Comparative Religions, Intellectual History, The Bible as Literature, Ecclesiastes, and Business Ethics. He established evangelical relationships with students through movie discussions, Bible studies, and spending time together. He also served as the Interim President of the college for one year and served on the university’s Founders Board until 2019.Richard co-established the Komensky Institute of Prague, a non-profit educational foundation, that published articles about missions and presented papers. He was also an Adjunct Professor of New Testament at Biblical Evangelical Seminary.Since 2010, he’s lived and ministered in Buenos Aires, Argentina and served as a Senior Advisor for Global Scholars. He manages a website and blog, Cosmovision Biblica (Biblical Worldview), teaches and speaks, develops curriculum, and mentors students.