Salvatore Vassallo is Director of the Cattaneo Institute and Professor of Comparative Politics and Public Opinion Analysis at the University of Bologna, Italy. He is Author of Liberiamo la politica (2014, Il Mulino, Bologna), Editor of Sistemi politici comparati (2016, Il Mulino, Bologna), and Co-editor of Il bipolarismo asimmetrico (2023, Il Mulino, Bologna) and “From Mario Draghi to Giorgia Meloni: Domestic Political Change and Management of International Crises” (Contemporary Italian Politics, 2023).
Rinaldo Vignati is Research Fellow at the University of Bologna and collaborates with the Research Foundation Carlo Cattaneo Institute, Italy. He has published on politics and film history. He is Co-editor of La prova del No. Il sistema politico italiano dopo il referendum costituzionale (2017, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli) and Il vicolo cieco. Le elezionidel 4 marzo 2018 (2018, Il Mulino, Bologna) and Author of Indro Montanelli e il cinema (2019, Mimesis, Milano-Udine).
1 Ebooks bởi Rinaldo Vignati
Salvatore Vassallo & Rinaldo Vignati: Brothers of Italy and the Rise of the Italian National Conservative Right under Giorgia Meloni
This book is an in-depth study of Fratelli d’Italia, the party led by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. After providing a concise history of the neo-fascist and post-fascist parties to …