The Black women in these tales are women we all know. The mothers, wives, business owners, creatives, and more, that we see in everyday life. They perform the impossible and hold all ends together.
Sometimes, they’re an open book, their stories written in the beloved lines of their faces and the varied bodies they wear with pride or weariness.
Other times, their secrets squirm beneath the surface, aching for release and discovery while beckoning others to lean in. They whisper the horror of their predicaments, closer to home than you realize.
These Black women are more than we know. They’re also victims, monsters…and often, a little of both.
Mục lục
Left Hand Torment
Angela Eternal
House of Haints
Mama’s Babies
Conflict Resolution
Flesh of My Flesh
Bad Feet
I Want to Be Free
I Get Mad, Too, Sometimes
I Will Only Love You Better After Death
Paid in Full
All Who are Sleeping Will Not be Awakened
To Give Her Whatsoever She May Ask
Queen of Monsters
I Would Have Rescued Them All
Keep on Trucking
The Lost
A Woman’s Work
A Monster By Any Other Name
‘Til Death Do Us Part
An Old-Fashioned Type of Girl
Into the Nothingness
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Rhonda Jackson Garcia, AKA RJ Joseph, is a Stoker Award™ nominated, Texas based academic and creative writer/professor whose writing regularly focuses on the intersections of gender and race in the horror and romance genres and popular culture. She has had works published in various applauded venues, including the 2020 Halloween issue of Southwest Review and The Streaming of Hill House: Essays on the Haunting Netflix Series. Rhonda is also an instructor at the Speculative Fiction academy.When she isn’t writing, reading, or teaching, she can usually be found wrangling her huge blended family of one husband, four adult sprouts, seven teenaged sproutlings, four grandboo seedlings, and one furry hellbeast who sometimes pretends to be a dog.She occasionally peeks out on Twitter @rjacksonjoseph or at